What is the role of the Annointed NOT on the GB?

by LDH 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson


    You said:

    One woman told me that the only time she has been in contact with headquarters is when they have a question that they put to the lot of them to see if they might all "be in agreement" on some topic. Even that had at that time, only happened once.

    You know, the results were probably so bad, no agreement, 8000 different replies that it probably scared the GB that perhaps they are not the annointed, "chosen" afterall.

    The whole "who are the annointed?", "who is the FDS?" is an unprovable doctrine and no JW can answer the question in a reasoned way. The leadership fails to prove its case. With the dying off of the old GB and the likely dropping of the 1914 doctrine the whole GB/FDS thing will have to be rethought. "New light" will shine surely, I wonder if anyone will be left to see it?


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • kes152


    According to the January 15th Watchtower 2001, the FDS does NOT provide food at the proper time, nor do they "run various corporations."

    In that Watchtower, it says the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses have officially resigned from the WTBTS corporation. It has been given over to various presidents who are all of the "earthly hope" or NON-anointed.

    The corporation split up into 3 depts. and are all headed by non-anointed presidents. The Watchtower, and ALL "food" come from NON-anointed men.

    The "Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses" have 'stepped down' officially in Oct. 9th 2000 and their "excuse" is that they need to take care of "spiritual matters" and the "ministry to the word."

    Funny, I "thought" they ALREADY were doing that. So LDH's question was indeed valid. "What ARE they doing?"

    Peace to you,

  • BugEye

    During my years as a drone, I knew about 4 or 5 "annointed" ranging in ages from 30
    to about 65. Of these, only 2 had any bearing on congregation matters. One was
    and Elders wife who was a royal self rightous $#@(*^ and she did a significant amount
    of behind the scenes congregation manipulating. Another one was an elder himself. But
    as to "annointed" it was only ever regarded as a personal thing and nothing to do
    with any of the running of the borg.

    Another was a nice man who owned his own business and was very kind but his wife
    had emotional distubances and their daughter was sick and retarded. Not even the elders
    viewed him as anything at all and his fs was usually on the low side.

    The other that I recall was a young married women with 2 daughters. The children were
    always well behaved and her mate was an unbeliever. She speculated a fair bit and I
    always enjoyed conversations with her as her discussions were always humble and
    enlightened "for a drone". But again because she had a "bad" mate and was a young
    woman in her 30's, she was always regarded rather lowly by others in the cong.

    All in all, only one of the ones I knew was not nice and the rest were nice. 1 or 2 were
    a cut above the rest but other than the nasty woman, none had any impact, different
    from other drones, on others either in their congregation or elsewhere.

    As they always said, their reward was in heaven and not on earth and that was the
    ONLY difference between them and the GC.


  • Jackson

    Their role is to shutup and be quiet. They are nothing more than talking dummies to the Borg in Brooklyn.

  • LDH

    Methinks Apostle AK has the white man's burden.

    Why, of all the 144,000 annointed, are they mostly from the New York City area, and 'most of the annointed from Africa are fake?' I guess the 'leopard can't change his spots!' Damn black people, thinking they have a right to be annointed!

    It seems like, in order to qualify as an annointed, you need to be:

    Either SUPER cranky or SUPER humble
    PREFERABLY A MAN, or at least married. (anyone know any single annointed sisters?)

    Did I miss any of the important ones?

  • Prisca


    Although we don't know who exactly they are accusing of being fake in Africa, I suspect it is those who come straight from a tribal religion that survives mostly on superstition and voo-doo, to becoming a JW (no change really, LOL). They then might inadvertently mix the two religions, and think they are of the "annointed". The WTS would not count these guys as "annointed" if they were still clinging to previous beliefs.

    It's not a colour issue re "fake" annointed bros in Africa, it's more of a cultural issue. There is a HUGE difference between race and culture.

  • LDH

    Prisca, Thanks for pointing that out to me!

    It's not a colour issue re "fake" annointed bros in Africa, it's more of a cultural issue. There is a HUGE difference between race and culture.

    That must be why there's so many black, hispanic, etc that are from the US, and are annointed!

    Yeah, right. I don't buy it.

    All good JDubs know only old white people are Christ's true brethren. So believe me, the race thing has always been an issue.

    Doesn't it strike you as odd, Prisca, that the same Organization that called "The little 'Africans' meek, and teachable, and naturally subservient," also closely scrutinize them for vestiges of remaining 'false religion?' As many JW over here that are elders that are still holding onto @*#& from their past, like male chauvenism, racism, etc. And the Society needs to scrutinize the 50 or so (guess) Africans that partake?!?!?!?! HELLO!!!!!

    Have you ever seen a report that broke down where the Annointed come from and live?[/b] The Society is so good with numbers[/b] why don't they include this statistic in the Yearbook, so we can all see that the Good old US of A is home to pro'lly 90% of Christ's Brethren???

    Yeah, right.

    edited for typo

  • slipnslidemaster

    I have a feeling that many of the "annointed" have been in close contact personally with the GB members and officers during the early years.

    I wonder if it isn't a case of "Hey, are you SURE you're not going to heaven? I thought that at first too, but Brother (Rutherford, Franz, Knorr, insert name) EXPLAINED it to me and now I UNDERSTAND that I am annointed.

    My name is Slipnslideius Masterus: commander of the armies of the North, general of the Felix legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius...

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    Do you not think it curious that the Society teach that Jehovah rewards those who do good to Christ's brothers? But who are they? Again the Society have pointed to the field service as showing support for Christ's brothers. Yet, as has been pointed out above, it's only the GB that seem to have anything to do with the feeding of the multitude. Therefore, it seems that the criterion is the doing good to the GB.

    Just a thought.


  • TR

    There was an 'anointed' woman I used to do street schmitnessing with. Her reason to claim the 'anointed' title was that her initials spelled J.A.H, The when she got married, her initials spelled J.W.!(had to remove the A when married) No Shinola! She took this as proof that she was special. Street work was her specialty. I saw her just hoofing around with the WT rags in those special weatherproof plastic covers bolted to her rack all day long. Never talked to anyone, unless they asked, just boogied all over downtown. Weird.


    "cults suck"

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