Any Radio/Former Radio People on the Forum?

by Robdar 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • coffee_black

    My ex-husband hosted an oldies show at a couple of different stations...

    My uncle was an announcer for the society's radio station WBBR.

    Not me though...


  • Robdar


    It looks like there are many radio people here.


    I knew the minute that we started talking that you should be in radio. Talking about melting car speakers, babee you have a sexy voice yourself.

    People with some very wacked out and personal agendas.

    I have a friend that works for community radio. She has told me some horror stories similar to yours. They were bad enough to help me decide that community radio isn't for me.

    The best thing about radio is the radio disk jockey groupies - god love em.

    LOL Francois

    The groupies drove me nuts. Although at first it was fun. I have met some whacked out people. The scarey ones are the schizophrenics that think that everything that you say on the radio is intended for them only.

    From what I hear now, radio is no fun. Stick to the format and push buttons. Screw that.

    Sad, but true. Push buttons, read liners. NO improv. And improv used to be so much fun!

    right now, i'm just doing office stuff, but when i make up my mind on a topic, i think i'll give it a try.


    Go for it! Let me know how it goes. As they say: "Break a leg". I wish you the best.

    You should have been there. We came up with the scripts. We made the sound effects. It was a riot.


    I love voice overs! They are so much fun. As a matter of fact, I have just gotten in contact with a buddy of mine that has his own v/o studio in Houston. We are going to set up my computer so that I can start doing v/o for anywhere in the nation without having to leave my house. Modern technology is amazing.

    Started with a provisional license and finally got my 3rd phone.

    Bonezz, Ah the third class phone.....remember the test? I had maritime endorsement with mine. Nowadays, they just give them away. I think that the new DJs should have to study and test like we did. And what is up with the emergency alert system? It used to be emergency broadcast system and we were prepared to stay at the radio station and broadcast information in the case of nuclear war. Now we have nothing but woosies behind the mike, yapping on about how goshdurn wonderful they are. I sometimes yell at the radio for the DJ to "shut the hell up". LOL

    Did a few radio spots for former "Boss Jock" Long John Wade's broadcasting school, does that count?

    Beryl ,
    Yes, since it is you, I will allow it to count. How did you like doing that?
    Meria is known as "the mouth that roars". She is the #1 internet-only talk radio show host...... and she's an ex-JW!
    ApostastyDuJour, what a great name! Welcome to the board. I will have to check Meria out.
    The upside is we don't have to always work until 5 in the morning any more.
    Ninecharger, All the overnight jocks were fired in Kanasa City where I live. They don't need them anymore. They have a daytimer record the breaks and they place them into the hard drive on the computer. I resent this. Some of the overnight DJs around here were very good and had had their job for years.
    i wud be surprised if that option is not available to you. Talesin, There is a waiting list at the community stations around here. A 2 year waiting list. Thanks for the suggestion but, I don't miss radio that much at all.
    My uncle was an announcer for the society's radio station WBBR.
    Coffee, the society had a radio station? Now that is scarey!
    Thanks for the replies yall. Any funny stories that you all want to share?
    Robyn--of the what's up with the formatting class
  • coffee_black

    Hi Robdar,

    Yes, they had a radio station, back in the Rutherford days. On Staten Island, I believe... long before I was born. I used to have a recording of him on that station, but I have no idea what ever happened to it. They called him the "man with the golden voice".


  • Bendrr

    I was *almost* on the radio back in the late 80's. I think I was like 19 at the time and had a night-shift job in a local factory that made comforters and stuff like that. I'd adjusted to the night-shift work but had plenty of free time on my hands due to my different schedule.

    So I went and applied at the local rock & roll station (Q106, WQBZ). I made a couple of demo tapes on the stereo at home and gave them to the program director (Nathan Hale, I'm sure he's still around somewhere in the FM world). He liked my voice and helped me talk without my southern accent. Back then, a southern accent was STRONGLY discouraged on that station. I got my license and got my voice and accent to his satisfaction so he told me to start coming in and hanging out at night. The nighttime guy (Keith Moon, nice deep voice and a face for radio) taught me to run the board and even let me talk on air a little.

    I even got to meet the morning show guy at the time. Bear O'Brian. Obnoxious jerk both on the air and in person. Had been fired from almost every station in Georgia.

    Sadly, my stepdad made me stop. The elders knew about what I was doing and one of them told me to my face that he liked the station and thought I'd do great. He was actually in favor of me taking the job, since I'd go under a pseudonym and likely be on at night. But apparently he and the rest of the elders had something totally different to say behind my back to my stepdad so the whole radio gig got nixed.

    I've thought about going and trying to do it again, maybe even develop my own show. Something like Lex & Terry meet Neil Boortz. But the way the stations are run now.....forget it....there is no local station anymore, they're all owned by huge national companies that don't give a damn about anything local anymore.



    Don't know about you folks but I felt very guilty when it came to Holiday time and I was supposed to cut those Xmas spots and such. Tried to rework them...make them third-person, etc...still felt guilty. How 'bout you?


  • Robdar

    They called him the "man with the golden voice".

    Coffeeblack, What a cool nick name. I bet he was quite pleased.

    I've thought about going and trying to do it again, maybe even develop my own show.


    I really think that you should go for it. It could be lots of fun for you. Although my father, an elder, never discouraged me too much from going into radio, many in my cong, looked down their noses at me. I did it anyway and have never regretted it.

    Please let me know if you if you decide to go for it.

    Don't know about you folks but I felt very guilty when it came to Holiday time and I was supposed to cut those Xmas spots and such. Tried to rework them...make them third-person, etc...still felt guilty. How 'bout you?


    I only worried about that my first year. After that, I had left the org. The one thing that did cause me concern were public endorsements for products. I would never endorse anything without trying it first.


  • one

    If you think radio has changed wait for the new digital transmission standard to be widely used. The same as digital tv transmission, they will be able to pump more through the same pipe. (More than one program channel). so if you think there are too many tv and radio station on the air... wait. TV stations will have at least four program channel capacity or just one very high difinition, hdtv.

    The present standard is still the same as the first standard of many decades ago, it hasn't change. In the case of TV it was invented by a Russian who then went to work for RCA, By the way I studied at the RCA Institutes when it was something, Yes i did get to use the slide rule, Studiyng there was considered a "a pain in the neck". Then I went for Capitol Radio Engineering Institute and so on.

    In a very few emergencies i did get to sit behind a radio or tv station mic. Even a 50kw radio station, max power allowed.

    Do they still full around with equalizers to make their voice sound great?

    But you should know that you can have your own radio station, dirt cheap, over the internet, the whole world is your audience. You can do whatever you like, so don't complaint. The play field is leveling off.

    Futuristic radio stations are all on the internet, they know that is the future.

    Hey Simon what's next? can you play that kingdom melody again?


    I had the FCC First Class, Radar endorsed license.

  • Robdar

    I had the FCC First Class, Radar endorsed license.

    Congrats on having your blue ticket. Slide rule, eh? I remember my first Texas Instrument calculator. I bought it for the 1st Class, radar endorsement school that I went to. I spent over a hundred bucks for it.

    Where did you test? I tested for the second and the first in Atlanta, right there on Peachtree Street. It was a heady experience.

    Other than assist the true first class operator at one of the radio stations I worked at, (I got to chase the cows away from the transmitter site) I never used my license.

    Thanks for your response.


  • Robdar

    Well, I was hoping that Hillbilly, another former radio broadcaster would contribute to this thread but then I remembered that he is probably still on his honey, er, I mean his honey moon.

    Have fun Jeff and come back to the forum when you get a chance to come up for air.



  • one

    This a delayed broadcast… I mean a week delayed re-reply.

    Glad to meet you, never before met a lady with that kind of technical inclination, going for the FCC first.

    To answer your question, I purchased sort of tutorial book, then took the exam in Miami.

    With all the input you get on this forum you can probably hold a talk show on social/spiritual issues allowing anonymous (chat/email) participation over the internet..

    I would set up an ‘station” over the internet then you would be the program director, deal?

    Breaking news! A mysterious implosion destroyed a wt building located at…

    They still haven’t come up with a user friendly ‘internet radio receiver’…, yes internet appliances are coming.

    memorable experience? well, not vocal experience but i did get a few electrical shocks, not to mention lighting damaging antennas.

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