I've limited the number of forums until the user base has grown a bit...it will hopefully help us to congregate togther a bit until we get enough people to spread out.
If anyone has any suggestions for which forums they would like to see, please share them !
Suggestions for forums
by Simon 14 Replies latest jw friends
thanks simon, it seems to be happening only to me?it happened again, oh well ill wait and see. thanks again,
Hey, what about a music forum? any Led Zeppelin fans? They are my absolute favorite band.
Hi claudia, so you are a led zep fan, I myself go for the older stuff, beatels and stones, and 80's new wave. I like the idea of a music thread though.
p.s. Not many witnesses like led zep -
As long as you don't mind a Bob Dylan forum as well I'm happy to go with Led Zep, Beatles and Stones! Love 'em all
True, not many jws like Led Zep, or the Led Zep decal across the back of my jeep wrangler. lol.I also love all the old beatles and such. I work at a hippie store.get to play whatever music i like.
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
How about a forum for masochistic dubs where they can gather to be verbally beaten and abused?
cheeses. For the love of.
What?????No TOM JONES????
Good grief, cheeses, it took you four years to respond to this thread???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're not that backward downunder ya know!!
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
You well know that I am a firm believer in the resurrection, but still, I had my doubts that this one could come back to life.
cheeses. Sometimes one of little faith.