The Sun never sets on the American Empire !

by Amazing 10 Replies latest social current

  • Amazing

    Talking with critics recently revealed a concern of theirs that if the USA is going to go after Saddam because he is a bad guy ... then, they ask: "What about the rest of the world?" ... mmmm ... well ... yes ... what about the rest of the world?

    To date, America has removed Noriega of Panama, tried to kill Castro of Cuba, assisted with the removal of Marcos, former President and Dictator for Life of the Philipines, took back Grenada, beat the crap out of Qadaffy of Lybia, removed the Taliban from Afghanistan, and then removed Saddam Hussein of Iraq from power ... in the past we helped remove Hitler, Mussilini, and a few other crumudgeons. As well as the USA helped install various leaders in countries around the world. All this not to mention our 20 years of involvement in Viet Nam, Cambodia, and Laos. (Psst ... and Thailand too.)

    OPPs ... I also forgot Bosnia, Kosovo, Ethiopia, Sudan ... and ... Somalia

    It is conceivable that soon the USA will go into Liberia and remove its leader, John Charles Taylor ... [Note: Liberia is an important nation because a majority of the US commercial vessels, like big oil tankers, are registered there ... to avoid taxes of course.] Likewise, the US is helping underground movements to destabilize Iran and remove the Ayatollahs ... then the USA is playing around with North Korea, flying dangerously close to their air space to help provoke an incident to allow for some action there as well ... the US has threatened Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and others if they don't shape up and get serious about terrorists ...

    Finally, a little known, but recently revealed tiny minute factoid ... the USA now has its military stationed at bases in 147 countries ... either by invitation, or permission, or invasion ... the USA even has troops in Russia! The USA is spread thin ... but holding up.

    Pax Americana ... the Sun never sets on the American Empire. get used to it. - Jim W.

    Author's Disclaimer: While I have brought you this information, please don't shoot the messenger. I do not necessarily agree with, nor support everything that the USA does. While the USA may have good motives ... I fear that we may fall into the same traps as other great empires in ages gone by ... you know, little empires like Rome that lasted over 2,200 years, or the more recent British Empire, and last, but not least the feared. Evil Empire - The Soviet Union, etc. ... just little examples like that.

  • barry

    Amazing that is what we used to say about the British empire. The bit about the sun never setting. Barry

  • qwerty


    I think he knows that!

    Why is the USA hated?...................

    Anyone with the good intentions will be hated & resented by groups of others, just look at Jesus!


  • happy man
    happy man

    hello A hope you are well.

    I can tell you that here in Sweden among young people many have very bad feelings to US, beacuause this wordpolice aktions, and also the lifestyle as come from US, are qestiond, among some young peoepl.

    I heard Harry Belafonte yesterday say that he was very sorry that US and Bush use war to try to have peace, you can never use war to have peace he say, and I think I agree, we must learn to talk and use some other mehtodes, war kill to much innocent peoepel, I thin it is very bigg ekonomic intrests fore war, to much money inn it.

    Hary say also that two of the biggest dikatorships inn our time Sovjet and south africa fall widhout one bullit was send, SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT. They brook down from inside, thats what happen if some have to much pressure and unfair treatment to the peoeple in ther countrys, some think this als will happend among JW, if we dont have some changes in dfd polyci fore exampel, and I can se that cenario , at least if Gb putt more pressure on us, like howe we must akt inn this abuse things.

    widh love from HM

  • jelly

    Here is what most foreigners just do not seem to get. A sizeable portion of the American people would love to pull our troops out of everywhere, except the countries we are currently engaged in (Iraq, Afghanistan). This same sizeable portion of the American population would love to cut all aid to all these little dictators throughout the world. The only reason we have troops all these places, and give money to all these dictators is we are attempting to keep the world somewhat stable. The vast majority of Americans have no desire for an empire or any of the other crap that people accuse us of doing.

    I for one think we should pull out of everything, UN, NATO, everything. Let france and germany solve the worlds problems. The entertainment value of their actions should prove to be priceless.

    BTW, the soviet union did not fall without a bullet, Korea, Viet Nam, Afghanistan just to name a few. The two major players never fought directly but the Soviet Union did not fall with out fighting. South Africa is a good point, I have always felt than when economic pressure can be used instead of bullets it should be. I am a bit surprised to hear someone from Europe make this claim however, since you guys screamed non-stop about how cruel our economic sanctions were against Iraq.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Amazing, check this site out. We differ on worldviews, but as I keep saying, to each his own.

    Guest 77

  • Shakita

    It is conceivable that soon the USA will go into Liberia and remove its leader, John Taylor ...

    I heard this morning that Charles Taylor will step down once a international peace keeping force is in place. This to avoid even more turmoil between the hundreds of clans and tribes that are continuously fighting with each other.

    My personal opinion: the USA is speading itself very thin. I fear a global backlash if the USA insists on putting its two cents in everywhere democracy is not. But, I do think that North Korea and Iran are flash points right now, the nuclear issues being so much more important to the world community in large.

    Mrs. Shakita;jsessionid=O0CBQ05HP4LUQCRBAE0CFEY?type=topNews&storyID=3042696

  • berylblue

    Just curious: Are there any American "Forum Assistants"?

  • Amazing


    Just curious: Are there any American "Forum Assistants"?

    Yes, I live in thje Chicago, Illinois, USA area. I am proud to be an American ... I use the Egyptian flag in my profile for the hell of it. - Jim W. Shakita: I corrected Taylor's name to say "Charles." Thanks. Also added a few more countries the USA invaded during the Clinton Administration.

  • Dino

    Some excellent points Jim.

    Glad you are feeling better and posting again.

    BTW, check out Policosanol.


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