Talking with critics recently revealed a concern of theirs that if the USA is going to go after Saddam because he is a bad guy ... then, they ask: "What about the rest of the world?" ... mmmm ... well ... yes ... what about the rest of the world?
To date, America has removed Noriega of Panama, tried to kill Castro of Cuba, assisted with the removal of Marcos, former President and Dictator for Life of the Philipines, took back Grenada, beat the crap out of Qadaffy of Lybia, removed the Taliban from Afghanistan, and then removed Saddam Hussein of Iraq from power ... in the past we helped remove Hitler, Mussilini, and a few other crumudgeons. As well as the USA helped install various leaders in countries around the world. All this not to mention our 20 years of involvement in Viet Nam, Cambodia, and Laos. (Psst ... and Thailand too.)
OPPs ... I also forgot Bosnia, Kosovo, Ethiopia, Sudan ... and ... Somalia
It is conceivable that soon the USA will go into Liberia and remove its leader, John Charles Taylor ... [Note: Liberia is an important nation because a majority of the US commercial vessels, like big oil tankers, are registered there ... to avoid taxes of course.] Likewise, the US is helping underground movements to destabilize Iran and remove the Ayatollahs ... then the USA is playing around with North Korea, flying dangerously close to their air space to help provoke an incident to allow for some action there as well ... the US has threatened Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and others if they don't shape up and get serious about terrorists ...
Finally, a little known, but recently revealed tiny minute factoid ... the USA now has its military stationed at bases in 147 countries ... either by invitation, or permission, or invasion ... the USA even has troops in Russia! The USA is spread thin ... but holding up.
Pax Americana ... the Sun never sets on the American Empire. get used to it. - Jim W.
Author's Disclaimer: While I have brought you this information, please don't shoot the messenger. I do not necessarily agree with, nor support everything that the USA does. While the USA may have good motives ... I fear that we may fall into the same traps as other great empires in ages gone by ... you know, little empires like Rome that lasted over 2,200 years, or the more recent British Empire, and last, but not least the feared. Evil Empire - The Soviet Union, etc. ... just little examples like that.