Create an apostate logo...

by Princess 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess

    OK all you computer geeks um, geniuses. Next weekend, Steve and I along with another apostate from Arizona, will be riding our bikes in a two day, two hundred mile ride from Seattle to Portland, Oregon. I thought it would be kind of fun to have an apostate logo we could print on sticker paper and attach to our helmets and/or rider numbers to bug any dubbies who may be riding too. There are 10,000 riders, bound to be a dub or two.

    Something like a watchtower with a circle and slash, or we could steal our good jedi XJW-B12's name for ourselves for the weekend. Be creative!

    I am hopeless at this kind of thing so I'm turning to my creative friends here for help. Remember, thousands will be seeing your work.

    Oh, and that's bikes as in BICYCLES, non-motorized, leg powered.

  • xjw_b12

    Princess...WOW that's a really really good bike ride. CJ and myself have done 25k / 15 miles (3 hours) in one day, but of course that is mountain biking, with really really big hills and very rugged trails, not to mention a few spills.

    We are jealous of you. Any big hills in that trek?

    Re the logo, I like the watchtower logo with the X through it. Actually I have a bunch of stickers here that my dad gave me a few years ago, that were designed to go on your front door, with that very same symbol on it. Perfect size for a bicycle helmut, now that I think of it. I can mail you some for next year.

    yeah xjw b12...or xjw ru2 is a little more subtle though.

    Have fun guys, wish we were there.

    P.S. If nothing else a big red A on your backs will do !

  • Mulan

    Great idea. Come on you computer artists!!!!!!!!!

    Post it here and Princess can take it off and make stickers.

  • badolputtytat

    Do you have any of the following programs on your pc... powerpoint, print shop, corel draw ?

    I will gladly donate the service... I have come up with a pretty neat design in about ten minutes... the graphic IS NOT original art... I found it online... as long as you aren't selling it there wont be a problem...

    However... as with my clients... give me three days and I will give you three designs, if you are interested. I WOULD NOT DREAM OF CHARGING YOU A DIME, I can give you more original stuff in less than 48 hours.

    I can e-mail you the one I just did, as a j-peg to open in "paint" or your browser... it is quick, thoughtless, but an example. I cannot post my e-mail on here for other reasons.. but pm me and I will hook you right up with this.

    I could possibly work something out with my ad-agent, on donating their services as well, to print on t-shirts, cups, bags... etc... but the time frame you ask is too short for that. I need at least 14 days to produce these things.

  • Princess

    puddycat, I sent you a message. My email is [email protected] for anyone who wants to send me their creations.

    XJW, yep, several big long hills from what Steve has told me. He has done the STP (Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic) several times. It's our first time together. We've been riding and training a lot lately and I'm all set. I'm doing a 28 mile ride this evening when Steve gets home from his ride. He is doing about 60 today, I rode 28 yesterday so I thought I'd do two back to back. We ride 131 miles Saturday then about 73 Sunday. Steve's mom lives at mile 131, that's why so far the first day.

    OK, gotta run to a birthday party. Thanks to all you creative people in advance!

  • badolputtytat

    'sin the mail princess. Have a good BIRTHDAY party... hope nobody gets beheaded and all. lol... I can work on some more tonight...

    I have not figured this whole picture hosting bit out.. and kinda scared to go to the strike 9... if I use it are they going to keep my picture and info there? While I would LOVE to take the credit for it... my situation calls for ... good judgement.

    but I can send this stuff to anybody and you can put the picture up... MONK? anybody else who posts pictures?

  • WildHorses

    Will this do?

  • badolputtytat

    hey that's cooler than mine! now you cut that out! LOL

  • rocketman

    WH that looks excellent.

  • reporter

    Here's my crude attempt:

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