"The Practice" Blood and a Jehovahs Witness

by plmkrzy 19 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • plmkrzy

    TONIGHT Channel 7 (abc) 11:00 p.m. pacific time

    Tonight on The Practice, the attorney's are going to trial to battle against a Jehovah's Witness who is refusing to allow a daughter (I think it's a daughter) to have a blood transfusion. They are arguing that the victim is not a JW and the JWs are interfering where they do not belong.

    I don’t know if this is a repeat or not. I haven’t seen this episode yet but I will be watching it tonight.

    Has anyone seen this episode?


  • blondie

    Plm, this is a repeat from February 2001. In the episode it never states whether Rebecca is an inactive JW or someone "raised in the truth" who was never baptized. It is clear that Rebecca has never said anything to her colleagues or friends about being associated in anyway with JWs. Her mother is presented as a JW though.

    All I could think when I first saw this is the importance of having someone designated legally to act for you in the case of your being unconscious and needing medical treatment.

    Many of us have close relatives that are JWs. They might be able to step in and authorize treatment you might not want even as a non-JW or an ex-JW or at least confuse the issue with the doctor.


  • plmkrzy

    Hi blondie

    I just caught the tail end of the previews last night and didn't see whom they were talking about. All I saw was what’s his name yelling at the mother "SHEISN’T A JEHOVAHS WITNESS!" and the mother responding "YES SHE IS".

    Did you notice the themes lately on the show? Last week they were getting a priest off on molestation charges and this week it's JWs and blood. Lol! Think there is an agenda going on with the Practice?

    You didn't say what you thought of the episode. Was it accurate regarding the "process" that usually takes place or was it just centered on the two characters? I'm going to watch it anyway, it looked interesting and I am curious to see how they play out the characters in the courtroom.

  • rocketman

    I saw that episode, and what struck me as odd was that after it was over, they never did any follow-up. We never found out if Rebecca is an actual jw or not. Other than that, the episode was pretty well-done. I think the judge did a great job of keeping things fair, but the mother, to me, came off looking a bit flaky.

  • Mulan

    I agree it was well done.

    I especially liked the episode about the Catholic Church protecting pedophile priests though. Eugene made some excellent points in his angry attack on Bobby. Good writing.

  • rocketman

    Yeah, it seemed that the writers created a lot of tension between Eugene and Bobby this past season.

    I read a while back that the show barley missed being cut, and will return in the fall. It looked like a season finale was almost designed to be a 'final' show just in case they didn't get renewed.

  • talesin

    i watched that episode and what i found interesting was that one of the partners revealed that rebecca had (horror of horrors) an abortion not too long ago. therefore, the argument went that she had already abandoned her faith. it made sense to me (in fact, i was surprised she's not df'd on the show). oh well, mummy won anyway.

    if they're gonna do a show on it, they shud at least get their facts right. what am i saying - it's a TV show.

  • plmkrzy
    but the mother, to me, came off looking a bit flaky.

    I noticed the slightly crazed look in the mothers eyes when she said "yes she is". LOL! I was expecting them to portray her as strange.

    I hope they don't cancel the show. I think it is one of the better shows on TV right now. Heck it might already be canceled for all I know hahaha, I just watch it re-runs or not.

  • plmkrzy

    It just ended. I see what you mean by never establishing if she is or is not. I would be waiting for the next episode to clear up that matter. That is strange they never did. I wonder why they left it hanging like that. It is a little irritating.

    I thought they played out the courtroom seems well except for the "defense" attorney. He didn't have much to say about anything. LOL! I thought they would have elders in the hospital.

  • blondie

    plm, as rocketman said the show never reveals whether she is or not. The show just goes off on another story line. It is fairly accurate in that blood relatives win out over good friends when it comes to making life decisions unless you have it in a legal document designating a non-relative or non-JW relative to make those decisions, healthcare proxy or healthcare power of attorney.

    As I said I was reminded how important it is to have those documents in place if you have JW relatives that will choose not to have a blood transfusion administered to you if you were unconscious. Pick a reliable friend now and go over what medical treatments you want (this includes things such as donating your organs and whether you want to be resuscitated or not). Even if you have a spouse who will support your decison, remember you might both be in the same accident and both unconscious. So have an alternate for both of you.


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