I woke up this morning thinking about when my mom died about 10 years ago. She was an avid JDub and was confident that she would be resurrected to an earthly paradise petting zoo. If I would today go to my mom's house and because God brought her back to life, saw her sitting in her favorite chair, would she really be my mom? I know that her five pounds of cremates are still several feet under the grass. If she hugged me and knew all of our family details would that make her my mom? She would be someone who looked like Mom and knew the things that mom knew.
If God could recreate one mom could he just as easily make three moms for me? Of course, God could make as many as he wanted to. That means that the mom or moms sitting in her favorite chairs would only be a copy of my mom.
If the Borg with their Overlapper ringleaders were to promise that if we are faithful to Jehovah to the very end and we die that God will resurrect a copy of us that may give the JW's a reason to think about the need to focus on the life we now have not the one that we will never get.
Sour Grapes