How many horror stories have we all heard about brothers at the Hall who decide to go in to business together, only to have it end up in disaster? My brother-in-law, Bill did this with a reeeeeal good Christian brother I'll call Max, a couple of years ago. My brother-in-law works in construction, and does the actual work. Max was the contractor. To make a long story short, Max convinced Bill to pay for the supplies for a job they were doing out of his own pocket, because Max was "just waiting for another sub-contractor to pay him" some money. As soon as that money came through, Max would pay Bill what he owed him. And guess what?? (naturally), Bill never got paid. Shocker eh? Max owed him over $10,000 but declared that he "didn't have any money" to pay him with because other people hadn't paid HIM.
This guy was a con-artist if ever there was one. He's ripped off his parents, his siblings and about 6 or 7 other brothers at the Hall, safe in the knowledge that none of them "could take him to court", because of the WTs stupid rule about "letting yourself be defrauded" rather than take your brother to court. Funnily enough though, when he tried pulling this crap with some "worldly" people, he found the money he owed them pretty damn quick when they paid him a visit with a crow-bar one night. I guess they made him an offer he couldn't refuse..
Anyone else got some horror stories along this line?