A case where Trump's EO wouldn't have kept someone from getting into our country.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor 236 Replies latest jw friends
No, but a better wall and border security might.
I'm sure their plan wasn't to start a new life in Venezuela ...
Just now read an article in the New York Times about the Republican farmers in California.They voted for Trump because he promised to relax regulations, but thought he wasn't serious about cracking down on illegal immigrants. Now they are admitting that if the workers are deported, their businesses will be devastated. Evidently there has been a labor shortage, because there has been a decrease in the numbers coming across the border, and the current generation is growing older.They also say that Americans won't work under the conditions and low wages they offer. They are for legalizing the people who are here, and getting special visas to bring in seasonal workers from other countries.
Ain't payback a bitch!
Simon misrepresenting what has been stated here again.
He stated"I'M SURE WE SHOULD JUST LET THEM IN? I'm sure they are just wanting a job picking fruit."
King straw man is on the loose.
I ask where has anyone advocated for opening the border on this post.
If borders aren't enforced and there are no consequences for illegal immigrants then the borders are effectively already open to some degree. If you don't think this is the case, then why do you care if there is a wall, what difference will it make?
If the only people they stop are those willing to abide by the rules, it seems unfair.
Simon you changed my mind. The wall is grand. It's grand because my leader trump says so. So grand it's beautiful. Can't all of you see how lovely it is.
And cheap! Only $21.5 Billion, $25 billion tops. And 3 1/2 years to build, just in time for Trump's 2020 inauguration!
The wall is grand ... So grand it's beautiful - stop being sarcastic or silly.
The wall is neither grand nor beautiful. It's a proposal to deal with a difficult problem (illegal immigration).
I note you try to use ridicule rather than actually attempting to answer the point.
Do you want open borders or don't you? If you don't want an open border, then why do you care about any wall?
Or do you want a semi-porous border that somehow, magically, will just let good people through and keep out the bad guys.
Even though that means people coming are breaking the law and the law abiding people are stopped.
I'm irritated with the mischarecterizations that are continually being made. I have stated as have many others on this post that I do not stand for open borders. The laws on the books have been doing the job for the most part. This is made into an issue at every election cycle that drives people apart. This year especially so due to the demagogic king ding aling. The wall is not the answer. We need reform, not isolationism.
By the way it's about to get much worse with the potential reform to immigration law being proposed by some Republican lawmakers. Decreasing immigration to a trickle and only allowing in higher educated immigrants.
Look throughout history. The elite in power blame the woes of their lower class on the others in their midst. It's happening again and we're arguing over a multibillion dollar wall that not only figuratively divides us but physically does as well. A wall that will be paid for by the very people it proposes to help. The average American.
You also want me to hold my words to a different standard than the leader of the free world. We have entered la la land with King Trump. It seems that the only thing that cuts through the noise is insult, sarcasm, and rhetoric. Show me where reason is prevailing in the current climate when Trump and is cohorts are tweeting shit about Nordstrom's.