Wetbacks huh. Anyone who wasn't sure whether you were a bigot or not just got their proof that you are. Your likely a racist pig to. Keep writing your vitriolic hatred.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor 236 Replies latest jw friends
A lot of the arguments here are about jobs and safety. Isn't the point of immigration letting people into the country who will become a part of the work force and become productive members of society? If we're truly trying to save jobs, we should not allow any immigration, and truly enforce the penalties for hiring illegal workers. I'd love to see patriotic Americans out working in the fields on a hot summer day for peanuts. If we want to save jobs, lets not import anything, and completely close the borders. That should also take care of terrorism. Anything else won't be 100% effective. How else to stem the flood of criminals and terrorists?
What would make us safer, a ban on immigrants, or a ban on military grade weapons? I think gun ownership is fine, but no one needs an automatic weapon to hunt or target shoot. I'd feel safer with less guns than less immigrants. It's just plain stupid to worry about being killed by terrorists when there are so many more dangerous things all around us.
Is it worse for 1 American to be killed by a terrorist, or 10,000 by US citizens? If you think so, than you're totally irrational. It has nothing to do with bigots or racists, though it doesn't take a genius to realize that some defenders of the ban are (Notice that I said some, not all, and they know who they are).
Common sense says that walls and bans are a simplistic, relatively ineffective solution to the problems we face. And once again, I'm not saying that there aren't dangers out there, but why can't we just put them into perspective, rather than have knee jerk reactions to everything.
Nathan Natas
Yes, WETBACK. Embrace it as su hermanas y hermanos do...
"Wetback is a term used to describe Mexicans who have immigrated illegally to the United States by swimming or wading across the Rio Grande--the river that separates the U.S. from Mexico. U.S. Border Patrol began using the word in 1944 to refer to illegal Mexican immigrants who were easily identifiable by their wet clothing.
In 1954, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service made the word "wetback" official by naming the mission to remove illegal immigrants from the United States, Operation Wetback . In response to the increase of immigrants during the early 1950s, the agency developed the program to force immigrants (particularly Mexicans) back to their home countries. Aproximately one million Mexican Americans were deported in one year.
Today the term "wetback" is often used to express animosity towards Central American or Latin American immigrants--legal and illegal--who do not speak English. Meanwhile, in an attempt to reclaim the word, some Mexican-Americans call themselves Los Mojados, meaning "the wet ones."
Azor gets maximum mileage from minimum facts.How many of Los Mojados are self-bigoted and self-loathing? Que lastima!
Spoletta, I'm just going to mention (because I see the confusion all the time), that automatic weapons have been unlawful for US citizens to own without special permission since 1934. They are regulated to the extent they have virtually never been used in a crime or homicide since the Prohibition era. It's extremely difficult for even a criminal to get one. Only a handful have been confiscated in the last 50 years because they just aren't out there on the streets (unlike what you see in movies and television).
You're thinking of civilian sporting rifles, which look like military assault rifles (and share their high-capacity), but only shoot one bullet at a time. Unfortunately, many journalists don't know anything about guns at all, so it's common for them to falsely use the term "automatic weapon" on TV or in print.
People of African heritage also use the n-word when referring to each other. If you use that word you would rightly be called a racist bigot.
You very well know that the term you just used is a derogatory one. It was used throughout my youth and into my young adulthood by racist pigs. You can try and excuse it. It doesn't change how you used it, and that it's a derogatory expression.
They are regulated to the extent they have virtually never been used in a crime or homicide since the Prohibition era.
To be fair, Americans seem to be managing quite well to kill other Americans without them.
Normalizing illegal aliens' entry will create a society of scofflaws, like the countries they come from. Why is it that these countries are basket cases.? because of the people that live there, mostly. exporting these conditions will not enhance the quality of life of the unfortunate recipients of this overflow, particularly if the migrants will end up setting the tone (language) of the resulting brew.
Many immigrants came to the US to quickly assimilate, to create a unique society. Learn the common language. The current wave , including those from the proud near orient traditions and the south, see themselves as conquistadors, with the entitlement and mission to right past and future wrongs at the expense of the creators of the good thing that the Usof A is.
PS: as to the hiring practises of 84 Lumber, or Lowe's, or your friendly neighbourhood government agency, the Spanish speaker will displace the native English only citizen. sooner or later.( thanks for the hospitality)
Think about why Mojado is derragotory and insulting: because you're implying someone is a lawbreaker or a cheater. It has nothing to do with race. Context: I'm a Mexican. -
I find it odd that any group would refer to themselves by what they claim is an incredibly derogatory term. It's either not as bad as they make out and the offence is overplayed or it is that bad so then they shouldn't be using it themselves.
There does seem to be a difference in different periods of immigration. The US has always done better at integrating people - they become Americans. But increasingly you see groups that just want to setup shop in the new country as though it was the old one.
Multiculturalism is keeping your heritage and becoming one, having little pockets of isolated insular communities is not really the same.
I think many of the corporations are more bothered about the wage-depressing supply of cheap labor than genuine concern for people's wellbeing.
Simon I have seen that the less educated ones among a community are the ones that are more likely to use self derogatory terms. Maybe it's a psychological thing.
As far as groups that come into this country are concerned. Most first generation are happy to be here and try to assimilate. It's there children that have been influenced by the regressive left that are the ones pushing multi-culturalism.