Re: Hello all! Looking for answers!

by ilusiondtenerte 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ilusiondtenerte

    I was raised Jehovah Witness. I am not practicing at the moment!
    It's been over 15 years, that I don't attend the Kingdom Hall.
    I have been married with a man that is a practicing Seventh Day Adventist, and as everyone knows the conflicts in our beliefs are tremendous.
    I don't agree with his beliefs and visa versa!
    The conversations at times are so heated that we don't get the point across.
    1- He has just asked me, why is that JWs do not keep the Sabbath Holy and why? He asked me to find it in the bible where is it written, meaning a passage. Does anyone know why, and where in the bible can I find it, to show him?
    2- He also asks me, why is that the JWs believe that the 10 commandments were abolished and why? Where can I find that passage?
    3- Shunning is a big issue because in his religion shunning is not a big deal! I have attended his religion and people that are dfs are talking and associating with the members as though nothing has happened. Why is so important in the JWs religion? And is there a passage in the bible talking about it?
    Thank you and sorry for the inconvience!

  • crossroads

    Colossians-2:16-but the JW's don't use that one for
    the sabbath-or they couldn't have kicked me out for
    celebrating Christmas-Christmas is a festival is it

  • Prisca

    Hi Gigi

    The Sabbath and all of the Commandments (600+ of them) were abolished by the death of Jesus Christ.

    A few scriptures you could show your husband :

    Rom 7:4,6 - So, my brothers, YOU also were made dead to the Law through the body of the Christ, ...But now that we have been discharged from the Law, because we have died to that by which we were being held fast, that we might be slaves in a new sense by the spirit, and not in the old sense by the written code.

    Gal 2:13,14 - Christ by purchase released us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse instead of us, because it is written: "Accursed is every man hanged upon a stake." The purpose was that the blessing of Abraham might come to be by means of Jesus Christ for the nations, that we might receive the promised spirit through our faith.

    Col 2:13,14,17 - [God] made you alive together with him. He kindly forgave us all our trespasses and blotted out the handwritten document against us, which consisted of decrees and which was in opposition to us; and He has taken it out of the way by nailing it on the torture stake. ...for these things are a shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ.

    As regards disfellowshipping(shunning, excommunication, etc) the witnesses use the scriptures Rom 16:4, 2Thess 3:14 (though they ignore v.15), and 2John 10,11.

    And welcome to the board

  • outnfree

    Hi, Gigi!

    Prisca covered the JW viewpoint pretty thoroughly, but I just wanted to add my welcome to hers.

    Question -- if you are not an active Witness, what were your reasons for leaving? And, if it's not too personal, why do your religious beliefs conflict so much with your husband's? In other words, did your religious beliefs change so you left the Witnesses? Or did you just "tire out"?

    Looking forward to hearing more from you, Ilu.


  • ilusiondtenerte

    Hello all I wanted to tell all of You that answered my questions that your comments were really helpful, Thank you!
    Out and free!
    I will tell you that I am not a practicing JWs. Though my beliefs still stand. It is hard to live in this day and age and try to not to step in others boundaries. As I mention earlier, I just walked away from JW's. I am not Ds and or I am not been Expelled in any shape or form. I was never a member. My Mom has been a Pioneer every year since I was 1yr old, I am now 30. I admire her because she hs been a strong and has been able to stand true to her belief and to God for longer than I can remember. I still remember going to the services and feeling at ease. I was brought up JWs along with my sisters, None of which are practicing at this time. I guess it had to do alot with out shelter lives. When i turned 15yrs old, I found myself liking the outside world more than my love for God. I then stop going to the meetings. As I say this it embarasses Me! Because, I know that most of my choices since then have been all wrong.
    My beliefs conflict on a day to day basis. I have not decided to return. I know that time is limited. It's a chance that I take on a day to day basis.... Thought I still continue to live my life away from my beliefs.
    To answer another question you asked. I will tell you that my beliefs conflict majorly., because, he is a Seventh Day Adventist and he worships and rests on the 7th day. Satuday. Most of his beliefs conflict with mine, and most of mine conflict with his. He is also not a practicing 7th day member. He my husband from time to time return to his religion hoping that I follow him and serve God. But, I don't feel that for me it is the right things to do. It is not because I don't like God. It's just because my conflicts are so strong with in me. Confusion has set in~
    I think at times that I need help spiritually. But, I don't want it. It's like I am stuck. I am scared. I feel guilty. I am lost. And I don't remember when was the last time that I felt full inside!
    Since I posted the message on the board I visited the kingdom Hall with my husband.It was the first time and I was so proud. It was the first time in 15yrs. that I walked in and felt the calmness a sense of relief, I was back home. But since then I have not been back.
    I guess the desire will come in time. I will tell you that I did tire out. So many rules and regulations, did take a toll on me. I was just tired and overwhelmed.
    I didn't understand it then but, I do now.
    As I have 2 kids ages 10 and 8 yrs old. I hope that I would have stayed in the religion and stayed strong to my beliefs......
    All I have now are bits and pieces of my happy times....... When everything was stress free because Jehovah was on my side!
    Thank you!

  • God_knows

    Greatest love and blessings to all of you!

    Might I in all humility remind you that Jesus came down to FULFILL the Law, NOT destroy it. Matt. 5:17-18
    Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
    For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law until all be fulfilled.
    What Jesus's sacrifice accomplished was to bring us out from under the protection of the Law, so that we are saved rthrough grace.
    But when you live a godly life you have the laws written on your heart and consciences, and Paul commented baout the Gentiles WHO DO NOT HAVE THE LAW, and yet live by the Law.

  • kes152


    I was 'moved' by the Spirit of Christ to remind you that he has already warned you about the dangers of becoming "unevenly yoked."

    He also said he told you about the dangers of ALL religions including Jehovah's witnesses. He said ALL OF THEM are "foreign women" who have come on the basis of his name saying 'I am anointed' and have misled many.

    These foreign women (all religions) are mentioned in Proverbs 2:11-19. The foreign woman "has forgotten the [new] covenant of her God." Jesus' name is wisdom who has warned us against her. This foreign woman "goes out" looking for ones to bring them into her house (church) to make them give their membership to their "religion" and thus be a member of her house.

    Proverbs 7:14-23
    Proverbs 5:8-14
    (notice: "how did I get into this church?")

    All throughout Proverbs, Wisdom keeps calling out asking you to listen to his voice, and incline your ear to his words. He himself will directly instruct in the ways of his Father (whom you know as Jehovah) just as he was instructed by his own Father.

    Proverbs 4:3-11 (the Father's actual words to his Son)

    May you have peace, and become a 'virgin' in union with Christ. If you indeed are 'wishing it.'

  • outnfree

    I think maybe Kes and G-d_knows (blasphemous mantle to put on oneself perhaps?) have a good idea for you in your circumstances, Ilu:

    Perhaps you and your husband can start reading the Bible together (with your girls, too, if you think that is something you might like)
    because it seems that both of you place faith in that book. You may be able to come to a meeting of the minds on what are the most important things from the Scriptures for your lives. If you both did this without any extraneous Bible study aids, you might find that you have more in common with one another than you thought. And you can decide what are the important values you wish to impart to your daughters.

    It might help you, too, to realize that the Watch Tower Society does not celebrate a Sabbath day -- as Prisca noted above, that was a requirement of the Mosaic Law, which Christ's New Convenant put aside.
    Meetings are only held on Sundays because that it when most people have their days off and so it was convenient for the majority. Therefore, if you wish to join your husband in making Saturday a rest day, it would be one less source of conflict in your household.

    I'm sorry that I don't have much time to write right now. I'll reread your post later and perhaps have more to add then.



  • kes152

    "It might help you, too, to realize that the Watch Tower Society does not celebrate a Sabbath day -- as Prisca noted above, that was a requirement of the Mosaic Law, which Christ's New Convenant put aside."

    And here is where the hypocrisy comes in.......

    They tell you to "obey" the new covenant by not celebrating a Saturday "sabbath," but they PROHIBIT you from "eating and drinking" to the new covenant which also is to be obeyed along with everything else.

    If you are not IN the new covenant, why are you under obligation to observe it?

    Peace to you, John 6:53, Matt. 26:26-28

  • Jason

    Well first off, both of your beliefs are wrong.
    But to answer your question about shunning.

    The Bible says that "if anyone does not obey our word in this epistle, note that person and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet DO NOT count him as an enemy, but ADMONISH HIM AS A BROTHER." -2thess.3:14 and 15.

    JWs teach that you should shun anyone who has been excommunicated. Not only is this taking the verses they cite out of context, it is just not biblical. The bible says to "treat that man as you would an unbeliever." That does not mean to shun him. HOW WOULD YOU TREAT AN UNBELIEVER? Would you stick your nose in the air and ignore him? Of course not! Love your enemies!

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