This is not the first time Patty has shot himself in the foot, his reasoning is so stupid at times. I was watching the end of the 500(I keep forgetting that damn increase in the late 70's) 700 club a couple of nights ago, he was answering a few letters from loyal followers listeners and one question was on health. SHEESH!! his answer was sooo stupid I almost vomited. He said that if we follow Jebus and put jebus first in our life that we would not have illnesses, diabetis would be a thing of the past, a cure so to speak, it is all casued from stress of not having the Lard first in our life What an ass. I really can't stand this idiot.
Here's a website loaded with his lovely hoof in mouth statements:
Enjoy, oh and don't for get the popcorn, the quotes are like reading a good comedy