Do you really think ? EARTH could be blown up ??? is there enough bombs ???

by run dont walk 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    I remember reading many Watchtower/awake magazines that stated "there is enough bombs on this planet to blow it up 7 times over." (wish I had copies of the quotes/and pictures).

    And after watching the scenes in Terminator 3 of the earth being desolated by machines.

    And After watching the war in Afghanistan and Iraq and seeing how many bombs the US used in these "small countries" with unreal precision. I really doubt if it possible to destroy the whole planet, even if they wanted to. How many cities in each country and how many buildings??? Don't get me wrong, I think alot of damage could be done. But destroy the whole planet earth ??? I don't think so. Maybe if they went to the earth's core and caused a domino effect , MAYBE.

    Was this simply another scare tactic by religions ???

    Oh, the world will be destroyed and only God can save us !!!!!!

    Even with the terrible terriost attack of 9/11. (may they rest in peace, all those who lost their lives) only destroyed two buildings in the USA, so how many buildings are still standing, 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 ??? I don't think there is enough airplanes to bring them all down.

    And I don't think there is enough bombs (WOMD) to destroy this whole planet.

    What do you think ???

    Hopefully we get some answers from some with military experience who might have more knowledge about what is available in weaponery.

  • drwtsn32

    Here's one quote:

    *** w88 9/1 p. 6 Satan Worship in Our Time ***
    arsenals of nuclear weapons estimated at seventy times the quantity needed to kill every living vertebrate on earth

    First, note they're not talking about the literal destruction of the planet... just people/vertebrates. They calculate how many people could be killed by one atomic bomb, multiply the answer by the number of bombs in existence, and divide by the population of the planet. Sounds like a typical numbers game.

    People are spread all over the face of the earth; there's no way they could detonate bombs over every square mile of the earth. Of course you also have to worry about nuclear fallout...

  • Realist

    no they could not.

    even if the goal would be to kill every human on the planet they could not achieve it according to reports i heard. the only that could wipe us out is a large scale asteroid impact!

  • plmkrzy

    Obviously, you didn't see Terminator III

    They show exactly how it will happen!

    All silliness aside, the movie gave me the creeps during the seen where they enter the bomb shelter. Knowing that places like that actually do exist, that were built by those who run things, for those who run things, ewe. I don’t think I would want to be the one to survive such a catastrophic event and have to eventually surface and see what, if anything, was left. .

  • jelly

    If there was a world wide massive exchange of nukes between all players most probably every human in the northern hemisphere would be dead, dying or sitting in a shelter waiting to starve to death. Its possible some people might survive in areas that are not targeted, like the amazon or places in africa. But of course the global climate changes mean these people would need to quickly adapted to a new life style. It would basically be like 6000 BC all over again.


  • Jayson

    I have read where as few as six well placed hydrogen bombs in the food belts of the world could cause a world wide famine. The thing is humans are like viruses freaking hard to wipe out.

    In the words of Einstine "I don't know what the weapons of WW3 will be fought with but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones."

    I just saw T-III. I agree with the mixed reviews. Stupid, but still pretty good for a high budget B movie.

  • drwtsn32

    Heh... I loved Terminator 3! I thought it was great; up there with Terminator 2 (maybe even a bit better).

  • Jayson
    Heh... I loved Terminator 3! I thought it was great; up there with Terminator 2 (maybe even a bit better).

    yeah, I liked it too, but some of it was a little corny.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    I liked it but, they found John Connor way too fast, story plot could of been better, you can tell Cameron didn't do this one. Could of had more action for the female terminator, I liked the part where she controls the cars, they could of done a lot more through the movie. It was GOOD, not Great, I liked T2 more. Arno was great as usual, could of had more of a story regarding the future and more action as the machines take over, but I guess that will be for T4 if they do another.

  • Abaddon

    I read somewhere that a 10,000 megaton fission-fusion (Hydrogen) bomb would, if placed well, destroy all higher forms of life.

    The Earth would be populated by bacteria, cockroaches, Republicans and Jehovah's WItnesses... New World Order ugh!

    However, no one's ever made a 10,000 megaton H-Bomb; the very very largest are a handful of megatons, and most nuclear devices are in the kiloton range.

    At the height of the Cold War, if there had been a full launch by the USA, UK, France (god know where they would have aimed theirs), USSR and China... well, our grandchildren would be getting aid parcels from the Southern Hemisphere, and would be able to open them with their toes.

    Put less cryptically, there would be massive initial casualties, 100% in many major cities, near to 70% for most Western nations, with another 10-20% dying in the next week. The 5-10% that would survive longer term would probably all suffer short and unpleasent lives, and have massive genetic damage to pass on to their children. If conditions allowed a 'nuclear winter' to takle place, loss of life would be massive and worldwide.

    Nowadays this is all very unlikely, and nuclear arsenals are not what they used to be. The USA could effectively end civilisation in whatever country they chose, China and Russia too. The Ukraine, France and the UK could take out major bases and cities, but the risk of nuclear war obliterating most life in one hemisphere (and severly damaging the biosphere in general) is practcally nil; there's nothing in it for anyone.

    Israel could and would obliterate the Middle East if they were going down, but would probably destroy the capitals of their enemies well before that, as well as airbursting above any troops headed their way. Pakistan and India could cause huge problems politically speaking, but their nuclear weapons would only have limited effect outside of those countries.

    Terrorist use of nuclear weapons could kill humdreds of thousands and put the targeted city centre off limits for quite some time; it's quite hard to make a nuclear bomb go bang, but you don't need that much Physics to make a sub-critical pipebomb (which would be like a massive incendary device), or have radioactiove waste as the 'shrapnel' of a large conventional bomb.

    So, bottom line; yeah, in a imaginary scenario it could happen, but there aren't really enough bombs anymore, a full-scale lauch is unlikely to happen, and minor nuclear wars/terrorist use of nuclear weapons, although destressingly possible, would only really effect you if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time...

    ... of course, if a terrorist nuclear device DID go of in the US, I think the Patriot III Act would effectively curtail many freedoms in the name of security. A kinder, gentler, machine-gun hand...

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