One of many ways to experience a slice of Island culture, the lu'au (LOO-ow) is a Hawaiian tradition: a feast to celebrate accomplishments, honor important people and commemorate great events. In old Hawai'i it was a time to pay homage to ancestral gods with song, dance and offerings of food, a grand celebration that sometimes lasted for days.
Lu'au description taken from
Have any of you noticed the April 2003 WT which had a question from the reader which asked why A recent Awake mag dealt with joining in a Lu'au celebration and what fun it could be.
He asked why this was considered ok considering the pagan origins of a Lu'au.
The reply was the word Lu'au is no longer associated with these pagan traditions and it was ok. They did mention it was up to an individuals conscience.
What about birthdays and other celebrations is the first thing that came to my mind. We do not celebrate them because of the pagan origins and more people would associate pagan origins to a Lu'ua than a Birthday party.
I wonder if C.T Russel and J.F Rutherford celebrated their birthdays by having a big old Lu'ua.