The 10 point resolution adopted at the 2003 District Conventions

by crownboy 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • crownboy

    As most of you probably already know, from time to time the Watchtower society likes to use district conventions as a platform for adopting silly resolutions, which more than likely are forgotten by the people who gave their approval to it by the time they leave the parking lot of the convention. This year, during the final talk of the convention (talk entitled: "Keep Bearing Much Fruit to Jehovah's Glory"), a ten point resolution was adopted, with all the baby seal-like clapping following its adoption. Here's the main jist of the ten points (I didn't copy it word for word):

    1) Glorify Jehovah by continuing to manifest "the fruits of holy spirit". Cooperate with the spirit and the organization.

    2) Offer "fruit of lips" to give a public declaration of Jehovah's message.

    3) Continue to denounce untruths that are not in line with god's word. Included were: evolution, idol worship, the trinity, etc.

    4) Bring up children in "discipline and mental regulation of Jehovah".

    5) Praise Jehovah by means of our conduct. This applies to all times and circumstances in our life.

    6) Do not attribute to creatures what belongs to god. Don't give undue admiration to athletes, movie stars, etc.

    7) Maintain "Christain neutrality" in world affairs, even if it means being hated by the world.

    8) Give god glory by reading his word daily. Reject propaganda that is not with his word; make sure statements conform to the pattern of "healthful words".

    9) Praise Jehovah with "one mouth" in the Christain brotherhood. We should preach in unison.

    10) Give Jehovah glory by keeping his kingdom first in our lives. We should use our energy and "valuable things" to reach this end.

    While all those who were in favour of the resolution were asked to say "aye", the speaker did not give the option for those who did not want the resolution to say "nay" . Obviously, quite a few of the points can seem quite innocent to a person who is not too familiar with the JW's, but in reality those points can mean a great deal (like bringing up your child in the "mental regulation of Jehovah"). I laughed a little to myself when point 6 was made; shouldn't the FDS be considered one of those "creatures"?

  • RunningMan

    Yes, I remember the resolution. I couldn't believe how long it went on. Some persons in the audience fell asleep, woke up, and fell asleep again before it was finished being read.

    Your summary was very concise. In actuality, I think each point was a couple hundred words long. It seemed like they were trying to fit in every possible thing they could think of before they got that "aye".

    I wonder if this resolution was prophesied in Revelation? Most of the other ones in past years were.

  • Euphemism

    What the heck is supposed to be the point of these 'resolutions', anyway? There's nothing in them to inspire passion, they're for internal consumption so they're not going to be distributed to outsiders... it's just utterly pointless, even beyond the pointlessness of the convention itself.

    Seriously... it's not even like resolutions are a tradition, something that they automatically have every year. Why on earth do you think that they decided: "Hey, this year, let's have a resolution"?

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    I got a 10-point resolution for them:

    1. We don't have a clue when the end is coming.

    2. All of you who skipped on college to pioneer, don't resent the younger ones who are now getting an education.

    3. Blood transfusions... yeah we'll get back to you on that one.

    4. More money, more money, more money.

    5. The Internet is bad!!!!

    6. The Society will soon be introducing a group plan to cover all the anti-depressants the brothers are taking. We are the happiest people on earth.

    7. Pay no attention to stories about pedophile problems in our organization.

    8. Where else can you get spiritual food like this?

    9. If the light gets any brighter, some of you will go blind.

    10. Did we mention we are the Faithful and Discreet Slave?

    All in favor, please say AYE!!!

  • Gopher

    They'll probably use the resolution as study points in a Watchtower lesson in 2004. Then everybody will get to read in detail what they resolved to do.

    LOL @ no apologies' list of resolution items. If they introduced a program for distributing anti-depressants, maybe meeting attendance would go back up to previous levels.

  • JeffT

    6) Do not attribute to creatures what belongs to god. Don't give undue admiration to athletes, movie stars, etc.

    No problem, I already stopped listening to a publishing corp. that thinks it's God.

    8) Give god glory by reading his word daily. Reject propaganda that is not with his word; make sure statements conform to the pattern of "healthful words".

    I read the Bible frequently thank you, and I don't need you to tell me what it really means.

    I wonder if they even think about what they are really saying when they write this stuff.

  • DFWnonJW

    LOL.....very good!!!
    thanks for the laughs no apologies

  • logansrun

    Resolutions at JW conventions are nothing more than a cheap trick to raise the excitement level of the rank and file. Newer ones in the organization are misled into thinking that something special just happened with that resolution when, in fact, it's nothing more than a pathetic re-hash of the last year's worth of Watchtowers.

    Maybe they should just have fireworks after the convention like they do to get the attendence up at baseball games. Everyone would go home happy.


  • heathen

    Bring up children in "discipline and mental regulation of Jehovah". I guess they mean here it's ok to abuse your child with spankings while you bore them to death with sitting thru countless meetings and feild service. edited because meatings are not meetings lol

  • Betsy

    Blah, blah, blah. Will they ever have an original, new thought? If I took all my notes from 20 years of conventions and consolidated it, I'm sure it would be the same old thing over and over and over.

    My Mom called me to say how "refreshing" the convention was. How can the same old stagnant water be refreshing?


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