Well I've returned from my journey to the hill country of Texas and I'm glad to report all is well in chicken land. My ride home was not so pleasant...a 2.5 hour ride turned into five, six ,seven hours..needless to say it was a soggy ride home...For the 4th e saw great fireworks in the city of Kerville and then set of a huge amount of fireworks of our own...can your say KABOOM TOWN? eheh I always spend too much on fireworks...Speaking of spending too much I should also own stock in Barbie and Walmart...I also understand that hell breaks loose when I even think about taking a vacation...*LOL* Congrats to our newlyweds pr and jes...Wishing I could be at your wedding, but I'm guessing I'll be back on the road again for more of my vacation travels...Got some good pics and finally got Ms PSB to get on the motorcycle...*LOL* When she finally got on for a ride she gigled mischeviously and demanded I go faster...eheheh..Nice to be home if even for a day or two...
Yo Vassal! Good to have you back, even if only for a little while. And great pics, dude. Glad to hear you had a good fourth, altho *I* was stuck on a date with the most boring guy in the universe, but hey, that's a story for a different day
safe4adults...sorry to hear about the lame date..... Maybe these guys could help..Find the right someone here...
Hey Ray....My plan is to go back to Missouri to the starte park I recently visited, except Its just me and the fella sassquatches this time.... Cheers!
heya riz...thanks for the props...pinch pinch...
greetings primitive...I don't think we have met....thanks..
ROFL Vassal! God, you're a sick bast*rd!!! Hehehehe, I love it...where can I find a guy like you, hey?? altho I must admit, all those piercings scare me
Thanks for the chuckle, but um...been there, done that..'nuff said!