Ok in another thread found here I found here http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/55200/1.ashx it references some articles by Roberta Moore, whos children were killed and she is blaming the WTS (and I don't doubt it at all), you can read about it in that thread and corresponding links. Now as much as I feel for this person, Because I know, this cult is responsable for countless deaths all over the world be it from suicide, "Persicution", the blood issue and the list goes on. I wonder if these pictures are for real in what she is claiming or can we go to any picture and find hidden symbols that are just the way the picture was drawn, with no real meaning at all. I mean can we find them in Rembrants, VanGohes (However he spelled his name)? Look for yourself and give me an opnion was it done on purpose or just happenstance?