The fake news wants us to believe that one cop who murdered one person sparked all this. I am seeing this crap in London and around the world. This does not make any sense. I am hearing that there are command and control centers getting things going and spurring on riots ect. I know that the leftists idiots who want to tear down the western world and make some kind of socialist communist BS new world. I am thinking this is all planned out to try to rip away the fragile layer of law and order. The only reason that we have any kind of stability is that people believe that law enforcement will shut down disorder. Now that the left is trying to destroy capitalism and replace it with some kind of tried and failed communism socialist crap its becoming more and more that who ever is pushing this is manipulating people and groups like we may have never seen. Maybe its all coincidence but I don't like coincidence and many times its not and these is a $@$#%#@ in the woodpile. Anyone else think there is more going on than we are being told? Another thing that is a strange coincidence is that this virus that was going to kill millions is not doing even close to the damage they were predicting. There was an effort to destroy the economy and keep people at home. Close businesses, tell us what we can and can not do where we can and can not go. And on the heels of this cities going up in flames as the government stands by and lets the criminals run wild. When they do arrest some punks they turn around and let them back on the street. They try to ban guns while making it not a crime to steal, shop lift and do damage under 1000 dollars or so. WTF is going on. No one can take all this and say its just business as normal. There is way too much smoke here. There is some kind of jump start to something bigger I fear. If you can break down a society and send it into anarchy people will let governments do what they would normally not let them do. Then when the lemming see what the real goals are its too late.
I am starting to think there is more to these riots than just some meets the eye.
by phoenixrising 20 Replies latest social current
George Soros
And Hussein and Hillary.
Well when you have the deep state, Hollywood, the Media, Antifa, BLM, the public educational system and Universities and the big tech companies and other corporations working toward the ultimate goal of globalization you have to destroy the constitutional republic of the United States of America. That is what they are attempting to do now and have been doing for quite some time now. If you mention it you will be labeled a "conspiracy theorist" and tin foil hats will jokingly be mentioned by idiots who think they know more than anybody else.
I too have been smelling a lot of bullshit from all this. There is something sinister going on.
I smell a rat, too. And I am a lefty, but middle of the road lefty. This sucks.
There was an effort to destroy the economy and keep people at home. Close businesses, tell us what we can and can not do where we can and can not go
That is really stretching things a little. If you want to understand what is going on, you need to pay attention to whoever stands to gain no matter how the wind blows.
Quetzal, That is way to simple of a statement. Gain is a relative term. Money is not the only thing that is to gain and I doubt its about money. People who only think about money are poor people. Rich people and revolutionary think about power, the money comes naturally after power is achieved. The only thing that can stop this crap is to bring in military force and start shooting the bastards. They are like Muslims who only understand violence. Personally I am not sure the Democrats or black lies murder have anything direct to do with it but are useful idiots.
Its also strange how the military leaders are ripping Trump right now. This is unprecedented. Sounds like coup is afoot. Have they been promised some sort of pay out or position if Trump is overthrown? I am not a conspiracy nut, I believe we landed on the moon, I don't really buy UFO as aliens and I don't buy Atlantis or the Bermuda triangle. But one I have always felt was more to the story was that Kennedy was not shot by Oswald or he was a part of a deeper conspiracy and Bob Kennedy is shot by some Palestinian who can not remember anything. Me thinks the shadow forces were at work here also.