by rainbow2003 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • rainbow2003



    Two brothers, Robert and Benjamin Moore, were shot to death August 30, 1995, and copies of an online police report show some believed perhaps a JW relative murdered them and early on allusion was made to the Watchtower teaching that those who die before Armageddon can be resurrected to live forever. The killings were ruled a suicide but since silentlambs.org revealed the Watchtower Society protects child molestors, many doubtlessly now wonder if the boys may have been murdered to shut them up, possibly by JW elders, so as not to tell on themselves or other JWs who had molested the boys and also since this would embarass the mother organization.

    Quoting from the non-JW parent on the website:

    "1. My son Robert was shot in the left side of his head. Robert was right handed? 2. How can a ten year old have the arm reach and span to shoot himself in the head with a rifle? 3. There was a kitchen knife found at the scene of a crime. Why was is not included in the police reports? 4. The rifle purportedly used was the boys' single shot Remington that took 22 shorts. They were killed with 22 longs. 5. The police claim that one boy killed himself and then the other used the kitchen knife to pry the 'long shell casing' from the gun so he could shoot himself. Can you imagine a boy seeing his brother shot, bleeding, in agony or dead, taking the time to pry out the cartridge and continuing on with his own suicide? 6. The sheriff told me the kitchen knife was sent to the crime lab and it would reveal who was shot last. I found the knife inside the police impound yard, never having been sent to the crime lab. Why the lie? 7.Kmedia interviewed my ex-husband and he told them to interview the police. Doesn't seem the grieving father is too anxious to help....?

    I know my sons were MURDERED and someone is walking around free because of the power of the WATCHTOWER and the FREEMASONS in this county. Contact [email protected] " http://www.davidicke.net/religiousfrauds/jw/murdered.html

    Would Ted Jaracz, nicknamed "the boss" at Brooklyn Bethel and who is on the Governing Body of Watchtower care to respond to this parent's allegation or, since Pat Garza openly told media at a silentlambs.org rally before the Watchtower headquarters that Jaracz sexually molested her and other children about 40 years ago while a District Overseer in Los Angeles, might he prefer to keep shut up just as he has been in response to what she said and when journalists have tried to get him to open up about the policy of allowing "repentant" child molestors to continue preaching door-to-door etc?

    The parent's believing cults and Masons may work together may have seemed and still seem implausible to many members and ex-members of JW members including ex-elders who are good persons. But if you are one of those remember that all who are JWs are not necessarily good any more so than members of any other secretive or semi-secret organizations when tell face possible child molestation and murder charges.

  • rainbow2003

    Copies of this have been emailed to some of the other Friends.

  • berylblue

    I just can't read this horrible stuff anymore.....

  • Uzzah

    Why do I even bother...but here we go...


    Pat Garza made an allegation. She has offered no proof to substantiate it nor from my understanding will it ever go to court. Perhaps you feel if you repeat it often enough it will become truth but it just doesn't work that way. She is actually very fortunate that she did not get sued for making an allegation like that to the media.

    Now to make a huge leap and claim that these two murders were done so as to cover up child abuse? I will give you points for an active imagination.

    I also know that the Masons and the JW's have no association together even with the use Russell made of their symbols (also common toother groups of the times) there is no connection with the modern Watchtower Society.

    Your post, in my opinion, comes very close to breaking the law regarding libel.

    If you really feel you have evidence then why aren't you taking it to the authorities instead of plastering it on the Internet?


  • SixofNine

    rainbow is just another incarnation of someone Simon has deleted on more than one occasion for spamming the board with this crap.

  • donkey

    Who in their right mind thinks Ted will answer either allegation?

    If he says he is innocent no xJW will believe him and if he says he is guilty everyone will want his ass anyway. There is nothing for him to gain by responding...


  • rainbow2003

    Ted Jaracz as a major Governing Body member is definitely welcome to respond to the material which tells what the parent said and has been on the internet for several years now. That's 100% fair. Now as said, donk, so far he has run away instead of responded to reporters questions or said that Pat Garza lied to the news reporters. That's 100% factual. As to the Watchtower and Masons not having common ground in being secretive etc, you're entitled to your own beliefs.

    Now let's hear Jaracz or any ally he has on the Governing Body speak up on these things. It would be interesting if he ever got put under oath wouldn't it, and the documentation in the archives here on the board pertaining to Leo Greenlees, the other Gov Body member who was reassigned for child molestation in the 1980s would also be of relevant interest.

    This is all factual and fair. Also of a growing and most compelling public interest now that some of this has hit CBS, Dateline NBC etc. The main intent is to kindly provide help to a grieving parent, which is good.

    Now if there are "rogue" elders, Circuit Overseers, District Overseers or Gov Body members, then those who are in those same clergical capacities and of high moral calibre can and should reply freely about all matters and investigate what their peers have been doing including about the UN, and the latest financial scandals involving Phillip Morris tobacco and Rand Cam which has developed smart bombs etc.

    The "angels" or "watchtowers" need to be looking at the very top of the ladder and at those who were entrusted to do so but sold out. Why? Because the beloved Mother organization is dying, cut to ribbons from within on high. Misleadership.

    Yes, we're still here. The more the Watchtower moves against those who speak out the more they will speak out and do speak out. Donk, you guys are too late to shut up the information. Why not deal with your own internal situations there in Bethel.

  • Uzzah

    Typical shot in the park (i.e. Nancee perhaps?) dark

    Get your facts straight at least.

    You and your ilk completely discredit all the good done by others in exposing the Watchtower.

  • gumby

    Rainbow.....I know of some "hidden pictures" in some recent publications that noone else knows about but me! I'll PM you and fill you in on the details but I can tell you this........it has to do with a picture of what appears to be Leo Greenless with a masonic symbol tattoed on his forehead and he's naked! You gotta see it!


  • Brummie

    Nancee, Pat was obviousely abused as a child, wither by TJ or not I dont know, I have no reason to believe he DIDNT do it, infact I am inclined to believe her. The abuser often appears to be the one who is respectful, infact that power of respect is a tool they often use to make the victim look crazy. Sometimes the victim is so emotionally torn by the abuser that their emotional rollercoaster makes the abuser look sane and the victim look stupid.

    Now that being said, to weave the masons and some big secret conspiracy theory into this whole thing has made it all look stupid. How unfortunate. If it was TJ, then he must be over the moon at this lucky turn of events. y'all beginning to look stupid with these conspiracy theories,


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