has anyone ever put up a for sale sign outside the kingdom hall.............or any other funny things......
Has any one ever put up a..........
by fairy 15 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Fairy,
Yes, it's a lonely Friday night. I am at work here, and nothing is on TV.... bored as hell....
No, I have not really done any of that. People have put little lambs on the doorsteps that I know of... that's about it.
hahaha imagine their faces as they drove by and saw the KH up for sale!
Someone in England put a great big light up santa on top of the KH one Christmas...funny huh
That gives ol' Rayzorblade an idea.....LOL.
Dont forget photo's.................
You might like to check out this thread where Princess put up a pumpkin at a KH during Halloween.
Thats the ticket! Halloween!
It would be to totally fun to decorate a hall with black cats, ghost material, little witches, and a buttload of smiling pumpkins right after dark on a halloween night. ( if you can find a hall vacant on that night as meeting are always at an inconvenient time.) I wouldn't have the cahoones to do it but I'd pay $20 for a live video of it beeing done. How about it prisca.....I know you need the cash and you gave me the idea by posting princess thread?
GRRRRRR.... i just made a reply but it failed. Must have happened whilst Simon was changing my posting limit to 20. Anyway....
No, sorry, I wouldn't do it for 2 reasons. One, Halloween and the other yearly celebrations aren't as big here as in the States. It's very rare for people to have jack-o-laterns here in Aus, we see pics of them in advertising, but no one actually does it. Secondly, I wouldn't be able to do it. It wouldn't feel right decorating/desecrating someone else's property, even if it is the WTS'.
20? will I ever post that many thymes?
Steve (bored at work till 2300
I agree with you Pris,
I have never advocated vandalizing especially things pertaining to dubs. It serves no purpose and only solidifies their beliefs to a greater degree.
I probably would have never sent the $20 bucks anyways