Did you place publications with people and without reading them ? follow up

by run dont walk 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    I rarely read any of the WTS literature, so yeah, I almost always placed stuff without ever knowing much about it. I'd skim through an article to highlight when preparing my presentation.

    I'm so glad those days are over....

  • Xena

    I used to read the little introduction on the inside of the cover...and skim over the bolded stuff...

    When I studied the WT I would read the question first then skim thru the paragraph for the answer.....don't need to be a rocket scientist do ya? *giggle* people used to come up to me and tell me they enjoyed my "deep" comments

    ROFL searcher I love the Rotty one...I need that for my door

  • Thirdson

    I had a least the gist of the article I would feature even if I hadn't read it properly...after all, they are all the same. Articles consist of headline problem and posed question, subheadings identify the problem in detail and possible remedies. Conclusion was always we need "the new world order" aka God's Kingdom to provide the best solution. It didn't matter whether it was gun violence, land fill garbage, or diaper rash.

    I rarely featured the Watchtower unless the Awake was really bad, or had limited appeal, though I have seen JWs try Menopause articles to everyone they met.

    Today no JW has to read a thing. Just knock the door, read the script in the KM and flash the magazine. Done; an effective, guilt-free ministry.


    PS I never met anyone who took a publication and read enough of it to ask questions on the follow up

  • Hapgood

    If anything I would skim through the mags on the way to the Kingdom Hall (if I wasn't driving ). I would usually feature the Awake basing my presentation on whatever was on the cover. I was too embarrassed to admit this when I was a JW (have to keep up appearances), I thought everyone else was always so prepared for field service, but in reality I guess not.

    Welcome smurfette!


  • wannaexit

    I did all the time.I places more magazines like that.

  • micheal

    I really hated reading the mags. They were so boring and one-sided, it drove me crazy. So yes I placed without reading most times.

  • Skeptic

    I normally read all the mags, cover to cover. That doesn't translate into being prepared for field service.

    One huge aid was that I learned the first step in the E. Wood speedreading course. With repetitious material where the context is well known (e.g., WT and Awake mags), it doubles your comphrension and at least doubles the reading speed.

    With the mags, my reading time was reduced from an hour to 15 minutes! And I remembered more! Brothers used to be amazed at my reading speed.

    As far as the KM field service presentations, they actually worked. I preferred to use them because my placements increased when I did.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I read the WT study article but only because I was forced to - hubby was an elder

    and besides - read one and you've read them all. Half of the time I avoided taking the doors in service and when I did have to speak I would just say something rather generic - I was pathetic actually - could barely put one word in front of the other - painfully shy and major anxiety attacks

    think maybe I needed to get out of that line of work and try something else


    public speaking

  • freedom96

    I read very few magazines, and even fewer books. If the Awake had any interesting articles, then I might read them, but usually I would scan the articles quickly during the meeting for service.

    Too many actually interesting books and magazines in "the world" to read than to waste time on the society's stuff.

  • jws

    That's how I started out. My parents gave me some little presentation to say and I definately hadn't read them. But I'd say my little spiel and hope they took the mags. Sometimes they did. But my technique didn't improve much after that. I could usually make up enough to make an offer by just the headline. After all, everybody knew what was inside: "oh, look at this <terrible problem> (insert war, famine, etc)! Aren't you worried about that? We know you are. Can it ever be solved? Why sure! The Bible says God's Kingdom will solve it all. Would you like to read about it" (or words to that effect). Who needed to read them?

    But it still kinda made me uneasy presenting something I hadn't read. At one point, somebody taught me to make a presentation from the Bible rather than using those rags. I liked that a lot better. Made me feel like less of a magazine salesman and sometimes I wouldn't even try to offer literature. I felt a lot better about presenting some topic from the Bible.

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