It was Thursday August 19th, 1999. School and Service meeting.
After researching the Watchtower and its teachings for nearly 2 years. I was sitting there when sudden;y after hearing the same message to "do more" on service, practically word for word for every other time I have heard it.
I thought "What the hell, am I doing here! I don't believe this rubbish anymore."
That night I said the usual goodbyes and never returned.
I waited for the "Elders visit" after not attending. Nothing!! No visit, no phone calls.
I didn't DA at that time because I have a wife (separated) and two daughters who are JW's. The wife stopped having contact with me by December 1999 when she discovered I had stopped attending.
Then in September 2001, two years later !! Two elders came to see me, I wasn't home at the time. But they left a message saying they would return. I was mad about it. Two reasons, 1) One of the Elders lives about a 5 minute walk up the road from me, he was also my book study leader, never in two years had made any attempt to come and see me. 2) I knew that instructions had gone out from Bethel for Elders to visit "inactive ones" to get them back because numbers had fallen. So the visit was not based on any concern for me.
I took it as a sign to finally break free of the Watchtower. I wrote to the Elder, saying if he couldn't be bothered to walk down the road to see me in the two years since I had left and that the only reason he had called was so they could get the numbers up, I didn't want any part of them any more. So wrote them my letter of Disassociation. Also enclosed about 20 pages of stuff on the Watchtower teachings etc.
The odd thing is that this particular Elder at one time went "out of the truth" for about 3 years and KNOWS all about the Watchtowers false prophecies, changes in teachings, etc. How he lives with it !!