Index of Evidence for Evolution Threads

by cofty 120 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EasyPrompt
    "If an alien showed up in ugly skin with a creepy face and told you about the secrets of the universe, would you believe them? What if that "alien" was another imperfect human?"

    You've never seen me face-to-face, but I exist. You know I exist because I type things on a keyboard tablet somewhere away from where you are and it shows up on your screen. Why can't you believe Jehovah from somewhere higher had somebody write something down on a tablet too? Who do you think invented mitochondria? Don't you think the one who made mitochondria has enough energy to send a message via a book? If you can believe some aliens somewhere could beam somebody down from a space ship, don't you think a higher life form could beam somebody down to Mary's womb? Why is that so difficult for you to believe?

    In the movies the aliens say "I come in peace" or something like that.

    Here is the "alien" (aka, foreign to you) message I come with (but it's actually the same message you heard from the beginning): "I am a witness of Jehovah. He's real. God is Love. He's reaching out to you. Quit rejecting Him."

    (Looks like the alien avatar I'm wearing has purple skin, two red claws, a horn and four legs. Kinda ugly, lol!😆)

  • cofty

    EP - this thread is not about whether or not god exists. The vast majority of believers accept the fact of evolution. In the same way that accepting that the earth is not flat doesn't undermine faith for most people, only a few fundamentalists insist otherwise.

    If you want to argue that god exists I am happy to engage on a different thread. If you want to debate the evidence for evolution then choose one of the 40 topics in the index on page 1 and tell me why it is wrong, or start a new thread on the subject. Please stop with the obnoxious preaching/trolling.

  • EasyPrompt

    "If you want to debate the evidence for evolution then choose one of the 40 topics in the index on page 1 and tell me why it is wrong"

    Cofty, I already did last was on the other thread about Critique of Chemical Evolution, but you didn't respond to it. I will cut and paste it again here because it shows why all 40 of your topics are wrong since they all originate from the same roots...

    @Cofty -

    Know your roots.

    If biological evolution is your god, then Ernst Haeckel is one of your racist founding fathers. The hominid tree as we know it taught today in schools entwines much of its root system from this guy's work:'great-chain-of-being-of-race'-portrays-an-evolutionary-chain-running-from-monkeys-to-humans-in-order-of-the-racial-and-national-perferences-of-the-publishers-the-heads-pictured-were-supposed-to-represent-from-top-to-bottom-and-left-to-right-'indo-german-chinese-fuegian-australian-negro-african-negro-tasmanian-gorilla-chimpanzee-orang-gibbon-proboscis-monkey-and-mandrill-'-the-naturalist-ernst-haeckel-%25281834---1919%2529-was-a-german-biologist-naturalist-philosopher-physician-professor-and-artist-who-discovered-described-and-named-thousands-of-new-species-mapped-a-genealogical-tree-relating-all-life-forms-and-coined-many-terms-in-biology-including-anthropogeny-ecology-phylum-phylogeny-and-the-kingdom-protista-haeckel-promoted-and-popularized-charles-darwin's-work-in-germany-though-he-and-darwin-did-not-always-agree-haeckel's-racist-views-though-not-exceptional-for-the-time-were-incorporated-into-his-scientific-work-this,Darwinian%20biological%20anthropology%20as%20well.

    The biological evolutionary model is neither scientific nor flattering. Those who uphold it dishonor themselves, their fellow humans, and their maker.

    Variation within a species accounts for the differences in skeletal compositions between humans. The fragmentary fossilized remains of animals miscategorized as "ancient hominids" are in actuality non-humans, not some mutating evolutionary link.

    Haeckel saw what he wanted to see. He didn't have evidence to back up his theories. He twisted the evidence to fit his theory. It's the same thing the GB do with the scriptures. Evolutionary "scientists" today build on the false foundations of the evolutionary "scientists" of the past, in the same way that the GB builds on the false foundation of CT Russell.

    All belief systems built on cracked foundations will fall in time.

  • cofty

    Ernst Haeckel was wrong about much of his hypothesis - but not entirely.

    The fact of common ancestry in no way rests on his idea that phylogeny recapitulates ontogeny. This demonstrates your reliance on social 'science' rather than actual science.

  • EasyPrompt

    CT Russell mixed some truths with falsehoods. If you watch The Photodrama of Creation, he does say some things that are true. But he also says Noah and Adam were Pharaohs and that pyramid passage lengths can be used to determine dates in history. He also said that Daniel's prophecy about knowledge becoming abundant has to do with governments having more libraries.

    The reason I shared the Haeckel information had nothing to do with social science. Many people today who embrace evolutionary theories have no idea where these theories originated. When you study the roots, you can see the flaws in the logic, and you can see how the current theories are still influenced by that faulty reasoning.

    CT Russell started with a false premise. The WTBT$ continues with that false premise today. The multitudes of the JWs swallow it down whole, because they don't look back at the origin of the teaching. They just see the propaganda the WTBT$ spits out today.

    It's the same with biological evolution publications. If you go back and study the origins of the theory, you can see it's a bunch of bunk. The modern evolutionary theorists are building on a faulty foundation. They publish a lot of material and flood the market with it, but it doesn't change that it's built on a faulty premise. Their conclusions are invalidated because of what they are built on - nothing.

  • cofty

    The ONLY evidence that is necessary to prove common ancestry beyond all doubt is genetic.

    This science was unknown to all the men and women who developed the idea of evolution by natural selection.

    The entire edifice was rebuilt on a brand new foundation and it confirms that Darwin had been largely correct.

  • cofty

    You make yourself sound silly when you use phrases like ' bunch of bunk'. Let's just stick to discussing facts please.

  • cofty

    I asked you this previously when you tried to dismiss genetic evidence but you ignored it.

    Imagine you are a teacher and you suspect that some of your pupils have been copying each other's essays. When you challenge them they claim that they are innocent and the similarities only show that they all used the same sources for their research.

    How would you prove beyond all doubt that one or more of your students had in fact been cheating?

  • EasyPrompt
    "The entire edifice was rebuilt on a brand new foundation and it confirms that Darwin had been largely correct."

    Oh, really? Do you even know the full title of Darwin's "On the Origin of Species"?

    "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life"

    Darwin was a racist, and the entire evolutionary theory is based on racism.

    "The ONLY evidence that is necessary to prove common ancestry beyond all doubt is genetic.

    This science was unknown to all the men and women who developed the idea of evolution by natural selection."

    Cofty, all of chapter 8 of Darwin's "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" is about genetics.

    Gregor Mendel is well-known as the father of genetics. Darwin and Mendel were contemporaries.

    Imagine you are a teacher and you suspect that some of your pupils have been copying each other's essays. When you challenge them they claim that they are innocent and the similarities only show that they all used the same sources for their research.

    How would you prove beyond all doubt that one or more of your students had in fact been cheating?

    "Let's just stick to discussing facts please."
  • Phizzy

    Oh dear, our friend EP as not read "Origin" or he would realise "Races" is used in the biological sense.

    "Let's just stick to discussing facts please." Indeed.

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