SS- Hope the work of the most High Reverend D.A. Waite on Hort & Westcott's heresies in Christology didn't give you indigestion or the Tony Mamaluke twitch. To recoup the low donations the WBTS members are going to vote next weekend on whether mud wrestling will be an accepted means of field service for temporary pioneers 7 - 70 (no discrimnation here). These matches will be held at schools and race tracks but no VFW or American Legion Halls, after all didn't Brother Mastermind teach us that...
Fw: As Bro Sydlick was saying the closing prayer
by NikL 40 Replies latest jw friends
William Penwell
Sounds like Sydlick is having an emotional/nervous breakdown.
Dan also likes to joke a lot. But that and the crying mask a darker side. It's said that some years his wife who is younger than himself got into a romance with a guy at the front desk. The guy was booted out. Dan sweated it that word would get out, and he might be booted off the Governing Body. His emotionalizing was either as suggested because of his mental state or for dramatic effect. He enjoys getting a lot of attention, which also explains the joking.
After giving convention talks he often goes out and pumps hands and allows photo opportunities with him. His hands are soft as a baby's bottom, or clammy, take your choice. Some on the Governing Body can't stand him, but they are all aware that if they tried to oust him he would not go quietly, so they have left him alone, although he has been called on the carpet. Republics of the former USSR are of special interest to him, and he's been there.
He really likes taking care of the Bethelite boys too, his primary job. He also gets a bit depressed at times, which he should since "the other sheep" are bleating as they get fleeced more and more. When Governing Body members show up and add a little "personal touch" it sparks more of those who are in attendance to donate more, and these days, with donations down post-CBS telling about the sex abuse scandals, no wonder they are crying. Not as much to feel as gay about, eh.
Smuffette stated:
A. He's a great actor
B. He is suffering from the aforementioned tumor
C. He really believes and is really sobbing with heartfelt gratitude
Let me add another option:
D. This never happened
Especially because this story came from a circulating e-mail, not very well known for accuracy. This reminds me of the way the book Children was released, or better the way it was described:
***w41 9/15 288 (not on CD-ROM) ***
When you see Daniel, David, Moses and all the prophets, listen to what they have to say, and they will properly advise you boys and girls. I am going to have handed to everyone of you 15.000 children one of these books as a gracious gift. I ask that you fist study it faithfully. Ask someone else to sit with you under the shade of a tree and study that which leads to life and endless blessings … It is between now and before the day school opens to spend six hours a day in taking the book Children to others. The parents should encourage their children to do this very thing, if they would have them live. Cartons of Children that had been deposited in The Arena were now opened, and Judge Rutherford instructed the children how to come and each get a copy thereof, those in the rear half of The Arena marching in two columns out through a side exit, and those in the front half of The Arena marching up over the platform and out through a rear exit. As the march began, the orchestra (minus all its children instrumentalists) struck up and rendered songs, "Children of the Heavenly King", "The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon", and "Who Is on the Lord’s Side?" while the vast audience sang. Never was there a more moving sight in these "Last Days". Many, including strong men, wept at the demonstration. Receiving the gift, the marching children clasped it to them, not a toy or plaything for idle pleasure, but the Lord’s provided instrument for the most effective work in the remaining months before Armegeddon. What a gift! And to so many! The manner of releasing the new book Children was an outright surprise to all, but the almighty hand of the All-wise One, Jehovah, was in it, and the maneuver was most blessed indeed.
After all, the God he worships is one who zaps a guy for stretching out his hand to stop God's stuff falling to the ground.
And if he hadn't have tried to stop it then he would have been zapped anyway for 'not appreciating spiritual things'.
You just don't know with God which way he's gonna get upset.
As Bro Sydlick was saying the closing prayer, he started crying so
much he could not continue.He had sex with a prostitute?
Rainbow/regan/nancee nick:
Do you even remotely have a conscience? Earlier in another thread you posted about how non-judgmental you "real Christians" are yet you post this drivel of half truths and innuendos. Let's turn it around slightly and see how you feel... (The following is only a parody of Rainbow's post shown above. In no way am I accusing her/him of anything.)
Regan also likes to post a lot. But that and the crying mask a darker side. It's said that some years ago s/he got into a romance with a guy at the front desk at work. Apparently s/he made some false allegations and got him fired. Regan was really concerned that if word would get out it might ruin the reputation of the Jah Christian association and s/he might be booted off the Yahoo site. His/her emotionalizing was either as suggested because of his mental state or for dramatic effect. S/He enjoys getting a lot of attention, which also explains the frequent posting of long winded posts. Or could there be darker more sinister reasons for this?
Apparently after a particualr strenuous posting spree, I have heard from relaible sources who cannot be named that s/he likes to go to school playgrounds and play with the children. His/her fixation with children can been seen in it's posts referring even to the hands of a Governing Body member as being soft as a baby's bottom, but of concern is how s/he then distorts that feeling as also being 'clammy'. Could this be evidence of a guilty conscience?
Some ex-JW's can't stand him, but they are all aware that if they tried to oust him he would not go quietly, so they have left him alone, although he has been called on the carpet. Child abuse is of special interest to him.
S/He really likes taking care of the boys too. Not as much to feel as gay about, eh.
Do you see how easy it is to cast shadow and innuendo? I know you are sincerely trying to help but your methodology undermines the work of others. It is so easy for the JW mind to dismiss REAL evidence when confronted by your sort of innuendo and near-libel.
You aren't helping you are hurting things.
Intersting to see everyones input on this letter.
Someone a few posts back suggested that this event never happened at all and I as well suspect that this could well be the case.
I for one don't believe much that is forwarded in e mails. I just started this thread for entertainment value.
Maybe it happened and maybe it didn't but it is fascinating to me to see how these stories and urban legends start.
Don't any of you recognise a sincere imitation of James Brown when you see it?????
Happyout (wondering if they will use a cloak next time)
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