I went and saw this the other day and thought it to be at least as good as the first 2 maybe even better with the terminatrix and the special effects being better I know I got my monies worth . way coooooool
Terminator 3 very cool
by heathen 15 Replies latest social entertainment
I downloaded it on IMESH and played it thru my DVD....
It is a good movie, but maybe a little too much action. I think Arnie tries to hard to make quips also, but hey, nobody is perfect !
All round, a good movie.
The Terminator series has played out, IMO. T3 was the worst of the three. Not imprressed. I give it a 6 (out of 10).
The best action movie of all time is Finding Forrester. "Pound the keys, dog!"
So Dedalus, this is the third (or is it fourth) time you've mentioned Finding Forrester since the first time you mentioned it two years ago. Since this thread isn't exactly rocking, tell me: what is it about that movie that made you dislike it so much? That I liked it? Surely there's another reason.
You really oughta let it go, dude. It was just a movie.
I think that T2 was the best in the series, then T3 and T1 being the worst.
What does Finding Forrester have to do with anything? I liked that movie too, btw.
I dunno, Stinky. Ever since I said I liked it, Dedalus has been giving me hell about it.
I don't know anything about finding forrester , never heard of it . I plan on seeing a league of extaordinary gentlemen , anyone seen that one . I already figured out the t3 movie wasn't a big hit around here but I love the series myself .
I loved T3... I thought it was at least as good as T2, if not a bit better. My wife wasn't too impressed; too much non-stop action for her.
TJ, dude, take it easy. It was a joke. As in, LOL, smiley emoticon. I don't have anything, seriously, against FF. There are movies I dislike a lot more than that one. Honestly, I thought you might be tickled a little by my comment.