Boy it looks like everyone is still in bed. Well if that's the case I'm jelous.I would love to be in bed right know. So everyone get thier coffee and wake up, let's hear about your weekend.
It looks like a slow morning
by obiwan 14 Replies latest jw friends
We Brits are so reserved huh...we go all shy on Monday mornings.
I'm not in bed. A nightmare woke me up. I've been up since 0500.
Here's to a good cuppa.
Pffffffffft, here in Aus it's bedtime. As far as Monday goes, nothing to see, move along, move along..
Steve (about to go home)
Boy it looks like everyone is still in bed. Well if that's the case I'm jelous.I would love to be in bed right know. So everyone get thier coffee and wake up, let's hear about your weekend.
I'm up, but I wish I were still in bed........I had a lousy weekend. Went to my JW-prominant-social-climbing-sister's house for dinner on Saturday and had a lousy time. First of all, she had some brother from the Hall installing windows and of course all his tools were everywhere, so I couldn't figure out why she even had us over. Second, she was in a horribly bitchy mood, apparently from "PMS" and refused to offer my JW father any sort of alcohol because he had said something to her last week about her drinking so much.(she has anywhere from 4-6 drinks every day and alot more on the weekends). My sister is right in the thick of things at the Hall and absolutely LOVES being socially prominent, and having people fall all over her and kiss her ass and suck up to her. Naturally then, she gets really pissed off and defensive if anyone, even a concerned parent, says anything negative to her at all---especially about her drinking. She of course hangs around with other socially prominent people in the Hall who, IMHO, are also a bunch of alcoholics. But of course, as long as you go to all the meetings and out in Service all the time, we'll just ignore that. So seeing as she didn't offer our father anything to drink, I got up and I made him a rum and coke. I was disgusted at her for acting so childish and so we left at 7:30pm and I drove my parents home. Then I got a call from one of my elders yesterday afternoon, because he was "concerned" that he hadn't seen me at the meetings for over a month-------and his point is.........????? So I'm not in the greatest of moods this morning, but maybe I'll improve over the day........... By the way, does anyone here think that someone who drinks as much as my sister does, has a drinking problem? She doesn't get fall-down-drunk and she works, goes out in service and makes sure that she's at all the meetings, but I think 4-6 drinks per day is ALOT. And any time you say something to her she just gets very defensive and says "I'm not giving up my drinking" and tries to tell me that I drink as much as her............somehow, I can't see that having 3 or maybe 4 drinks per week equals 4-6 drinks per day.
4-6 is a lot, esp for a woman. womans get cirrohis easier thatn men, and on less alochol. Yes she drinks too much-good Gawd.
I had my puppy "fixed" on Friday, so I stayed with him and spoiled him all weekend. Poor baby!
ok this is very hard for me, but here goes. My weekend was horrible, at least Sunday was. I was just heading off to my computer to check in here and see how everybody is when the phone rang. My son 23 had been drinking and driving, he swerved to avoid a deer and went off into a very steep ditch. The police took him to the hospital for some stitches and then to jail. I am feeling so bad, he broke the law, endangered himself and others and lost his job to boot. He cooks at a very large boy scout camp, at least he did, lived there too. He was fired and told to get his stuff. I went to pick him up and then we went and got his stuff at camp.
I am feeling this strange mixture of shame and worry. What was he thinking? My husband and I have six kids between us and he is the only one that makes us worry. We have always warned about drinking and driving. I feel like crap. Now here he is no job, no car its totaled. I am lucky he is alive, I saw where he went in the ditch, it was more of an embankment. At the end of the day, I felt the big cry coming. Tried to fight it, I actually went and got some ice cream, yea ice cream will make it all better I said.
Well ice cream didn't work, can you imagine that? When I got home the big cry happened. My son held me in his arms while I sobbed and told him how worried I am. He was shaking and said he was so very sorry. He has money in the bank and can take care of his expenses. But I am sick at heart. My son-I love him so much. I feel terrible guilt, the divorce and his father doesn't care-at all. My husband is a good man and is supportive, he loves my children. But I cannot give my children their father, he doesn't care. Well there it is.
My weekend was okay.
I am so sorry, you have us all to lean on.