Interesting responses so far. From the dogmatic "no" of Yizuman to the "of course" of AlanF. I agree with the latter, by the way. Here's how I see it:
The JWs are a nonpolitical, doctrinally tweaked, corporitized version of evangelical Christianity. Let me break that down
1) Nonpolitical -- pretty straight forward, although they arguably do get involved in politics when it comes to legal matters and in other petty ways. But, all in all, I give the JWs high marks in this area. I don't believe in the Bible anymore, so I think I'm pretty impartial. When I read the NT I think it is pretty clear that Jesus and his followers did not get involved in the politics of the day; they were neutral. Over-all, so are the JWs, so you can say they are following the Bible pretty closely in this area. A casual glance at most evangelical Christians will show a group of people totally immersed in politics, government and even, warfare. This single fact was one of biggest reasons why I felt that the JWs were true Christians. I'm actually shocked to see how blatently un-neutral most born-again's are.
2) Doctrinally tweaked -- I've heard some people make the most outrageous remarks about the JWs being "totally unbiblical" etc. Sorry, I just don't see it like that. For sure, there are doctrines about the JWs that are weird and seem to strain the meaning of many scriptures. For example, saying that the "other sheep" are an earthly class and that the 144,000 must be taken literally seems to be biblically unsound. I think the JWs make a fair argument over such things as the trinity, hellfire and the immortality of the soul. I see good arguments from both camps in these areas. At the same time, though, the JWs are very, very similar to your typical fundamentalist Christian. Their arguments to support the infallibility of the Bible and creationism are nearly identical. Their understanding of Bible history and morality seems very similar as well. Even their exegesis on prophecy is similar. Just pick up the latest Tim LaHaye book or anything by Josh McDowell and you will see that their rhetoric is very much the same. Over-all, I don't see the evangelicals exegesis and doctrines as being superior to the JWs at all. The reverse is also true of the JWs. Their dead-locked for me on this one and could go around and around in hermeneutical circles with no progress for either side.
3) Corporitized Christianity -- One of the major distinctions between JWs and the rest of the fundamentalist world is the fact that this is a corporate, world-wide church which demands total allegience. This probably is one of the major reasons why JWs would not be considered true to the Biblical message. Sorry, but just as I cannot see Jesus followers getting involved in politics, I cannot see them setting up a "corporate headquarters" or demand that each congregation engage in five weekly meetings with a globally arranged theme. Put a mark in the evangelical column for this one.
So there you have it in a nutshell. Those are the major differences between the JWs and evangelical (born-again, fundamentalist) Christians. There are differences to be sure. But the similarities outweigh the differences. Funny thing is, they hate each other!