01934 418825.
Mike & Chris.
by rebel 50 Replies latest jw experiences
01934 418825.
Mike & Chris.
Any apostates here travelling in or near Manchester? You're welcome to pop in!
thanks jgnat for linking me, I missed this thread. I was busy this past week.
It sounds like your JC meeting was par for the course, and not unlike how many here predicted it would go.
Whenever you gather enough strength to tell us what happened in detail, I'd be interested to know.
For now, I'm just kind of fading and ducking and hoping I don't bump into them. I have no idea how I would present myself even if I did have the gumption of someday facing this starchamber kangaroo court of "theocratic" "justice." (terms used loosely, of course...)
I'm just seeing this now, too, rozalyn.
Sorry for your pain. I hope your trip up north restored and relaxed you.
I hope you are finding the north warm and sunny. The further away from the influence of the borg the better to get your head on straight.
Please keep us informed on how you are doing.
I am so sorry, Rebel. I remember how much you were worried about this JC meeting.
I hope that with time your pain will lessen, and I hope that family members will not make life difficult for you.
Just take it one day at a time, it sounds like there are a lot of people here who are close by to help you out if need be.
Take care.
Mrs. Shakita
Sorry we could not make contact with you the short time we were in England. Keep in touch with your friends here and remember you will be HAPPY again. This cloud will pass.
Hey my brother, tell those dickless losers to bugger off. They have no power over you. They're phonies. They have NO formal training on how to deal with people! You have all kinds of people whose only qualification is they suck up to the corporation. They are made Elders and act like God rained holy spirit down on them! The only thing that rained down on them was corporate bird droppings! I enjoy your comments and know you will rise above them. Maverick
Rebel? How are you doing? Just thinking of you and wanted you to know..........
Howdy rebel. I'm very sorry. I wouldn't treat my worst enemy the way you were treated.
The best revenge is a life well lived.