As a contractor I travel around for my job, I was stopped this morning to buy some milk at a store in a small village I guess and as I turned a corner I saw 2 elders I know personally manning a cart in the cold outside the store with not a soul in sight and an unlikely place for much traffic even though it was outside a country store.
1 elder is my brother in laws father and the other was in my old cong when I left, I said hello, talked about the weather and general chit chat and was my usual self, they were pleasant also but nothing was mentioned to me about anything spiritual etc. I know they will be aware of some of my reasons for leaving (the few that I talked about initially before shutting my trap) but they were unwilling to engage in saving my life with their work! Ha ha.
Apart from a pathetic excuse for witnessing, I thought it odd that these guys can be pleasant to an obvious org deserter but others I. E family and friends act as I'm pretty much dead.
So that's my experience given from this platform to all in attendance here.. Ha ha
If this forum had a truman show catch phrase like "good afternoon, good evening and good night "it would be
Peace out... Just saying! And let's review its a cult!
Happy Monday