Is it back in vogue with the Dubs? I took my wife to see Bombay Dreams at the theatre last weekend.(Recommended) After the show and while wandering around Leicester Sq, I noticed a guy selling magazines. He had a foldaway table and chair set, a couple of old brochures and only two, two month old copies of the Watchtower+Awake. I asked him if he had any of the recent releases. He said that these were new releases. After flicking through one of the Awakes! (I'd read it a fortnight ago) I asked for his thoughts on why such an life saving religous publication would offer articles on the life of an earthworm? Did it have some deep theocratic meaning that could only be explained through research with his publications? He ignored me. I stood and watched him squirm for a bit and waited for an answer, but my wife got bored and dragged me away...Hohum
Street witnessing...
by yxl1 21 Replies latest jw experiences
I believe the earthworm is Jehovah's favorite creature. They represent all the worms in the congregation that shit in your hand if you pick them up. I know, horrible analogy. Read your latest Watchtower publications to find more horrible analogies!
At the recent convention I went for a walk during the dinner break. Most of the people around were in suits, ect, but there were a few in jeans/shorts ect. Each of these were surrounded by a group of witnesses chatting away to them. Guess they were desperate to get their hours in.
Street witnessing is all they seem to do here. They like to get up very early in the morning when no one's on the street to interrupt their conversations with each other. Or find a wall to stand close to and prop the mags. up against their chests with one eye on their watch .
Winston Smith :>D
Telephone witnessing is being pushed BIG TIME here. People are 'witnessing' in this manner on a weekly basis now; or when it rains or gets too cold to hit the outdoors.
Don't you apostates know anything?
The earthworm foreshadows the Greater Earthworm, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. They are comprised of the Greater Earthworm Class and the Other Earthworms, not of this soil, who have gathered to this dirt to assist them in airing out the fine rich soil. The fine rich soil represents the grand spiritual paradise that now exists. The airing of the soil represents the new light that Jehovah is always providing. The garbage which is piled up on this soil composts into fine mulch. The garbage represents the Great Garbage of our time, the abundance of spiritual food. The composting process is the refining process that goes on in regurgitating and rehashing that spiritual food over and over again at five weekly meetings, in private study, in the daily text, and in the assemblies. The mulch represents the false prophesies, the catch phrases, and the simplistic ideas that are used to attract new earthworms to the soil and keep the old ones worn out and distracted from the real issues.
This is the meaning of the earthworm.
LoL Tammy
They are comprised of the Greater Earthworm Class and the Other Earthworms, not of this soil
Ahh, Now I understand. It's a shame the bored looking street witness didn't seem to have a clue
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
Street witlessing was cheeses' 'favourite' mode of spreading the goof news (read - easy way of getting a few hours). No standing on a street corner for this proclaimer - it was a matter of going from car to car or from shopper to shopper offering a few mags or a tract. Wham, bam, thank you mam!
cheeses - who doesn't miss that shit of an activity in the slightest.
One of the reason that "street witnessing" and other alternatives to door to door work are being tried is because JWs are finding it more difficult to find people at home and more communities are restricted to any form of solicitation, religious or otherwise. This presents a problem of contacting people by the old method of door to door. So, it seems the Watchtower is reviving old methods and suggesting new ones. (One that has been tried in some areas is to approach people at shopping malls or other public areas.)
Some have wondered why the Watchtower has not extensively used TV and Radio ads to reach more people. It has been tried in a very limited way. But these ads cost money. And the Watchtower Society is very sensitive about spending any of their vast financial resources. It's easier and less expensive to have the rank and file use their resources instead.
However, the Watchtower Society may have to create new methods especially in the progressive countries. Most of the increases in recent years are in those "third world" catagory. And the people in those countries are in no position to donate their contributions to the Watchtower organization. They are more concerned with the necessities of life: food, shelter and clothing.