Brain Dead

by Free2Bme 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free2Bme

    Hi All
    Just like to comment on the brain deadening effect of the JW way of life. It's bizarre how completely oblivious they are to major issues such as doctrinal changes ! It's like they just calmly accept anything the org says without engaging their thought processes.
    The 'generation' change was pretty amazing and would affect their door-to-door message in a big way yet it seemed to be met with a collective shrug.
    I can remember triumphantly waving Matt24:34 in many an impatient householders face as conclusive proof the End was nigh.
    Even more baffling is the fact that if I had been a bit of a swat and decided the society had got it wrong and the generation referred to the wicked generation rather than a generation of people alive in 1914 who would witness the end I would probably have been in big trouble and labelled 'apostate'.
    It's as if the worldwide congregation is in a trance. They are all playing SIMON SAID. They all talk in jargon and answer questions uniformally without really absorbing the nitty-gritty. They can't be reached because their minds and hearts have been manipulated and controlled.
    So sickeningly sincere and sickeningly smug.Numb to everything but the life-swallowing routine.
    My heart goes out to them all especially family and friends I left behind because I cannot tell them the hundreds of mind-blowing things I have discovered about the 'truth'.I want to rescue them but I know they are happy in their blissful ignorance.
    I can remember the horror of apostasy that is part of being a witness and how it seemed worse than murder or fornication. But as defined in the JW elders manual viewable on the net an apostate is someone who has a different opinion to the org. Well that must mean the org. itself has been apostate because it keeps disagreeing with itself!!
    How do you get past the fear and reach the heart and reasoning mind of someone so they can at least make an informed choice?

    phew! good to get that off my chest!


  • betweenworlds

    Wow! You have voiced so perfectly what I am feeling too. I am reading in search of christian freedom right now and I find it so amazing that so many people have been completely caught up in such a farce. When you have had a chance to stand back and be away for a while, and your mind clears, the whole picture of the societies history and all the failed prophesies, the fact that these wavering imperfect men have this hold over so many is really sad and overwhelming. I want so much to get my family to see what I see now, but it is going to take time...will be a slow process and I know that ultimately may never happen. <Sigh> VERY frustrating.


  • TR

    Hi, Free.

    Just the other day my JW brother emailed me telling me that the WTS never made changes to their literature after I told him they did. The 1-1-89 change from "our 20th century got changed to "our day" and he said nope, didn't happen. I emailed him a scanned copy from the original WT. He hasn't replied yet. That was a few days ago. I wonder what he's thinking now.


    "cults suck"

  • chester

    I just had to reply to this post because you have echoed my sentiments exactly.

    It is so amazing to me also how everyone is so afraid to express their feelings to one another.

  • Flip
    The 'generation' change was pretty amazing and would affect their door-to-door message in a big way yet it seemed to be met with a collective shrug.
    I can remember triumphantly waving Matt24:34 in many an impatient householders face as conclusive proof the End was nigh.

    Just remember Free, you were in as much of a trance waving ‘conclusive proof’ the end is nigh, as Jehovah’s Witnesses are now still in a trance rejecting it while replacing it with dogma even more ambiguous.

    Dogma may come and go but the thought process or lack of it stays the same or in other words, the changes you pointed out are not as amazing as you’d think for those still in WatchtowerLand.


  • hippikon
    They are all playing SIMON SAID.

    Well said

  • ozziepost
    They are all playing SIMON SAID.

    I like it, too! Nice one.


  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Welcome to the board. Your words are an echo in my head for sure! Excellent post.

  • LDH

    I will never forget the generation change WT.

    Single mom, 5 yr old, busting my hump to give money to people like COs and Pioneers who didn't even have the human decency to look me in my eyes when I was df'd.

    My mom said to me that Saturday night--"Did you study yout WT? Did you see [b]the new understanding[b]?" I was like, ummmm, no.

    The next day during the WT study, that little short paragraph came up, and only a few who had studied their WT ahead of time (like my parents) caught that one little sentence.

    They patiently waited for that paragraph to come around and then COMMENT ON HOW IMPORTANT IT WAS. Everyone looked at their mag as tho seeing it for the first time.

    Just proves my theory. The WT slips shit in because they know no one is looking. No why couldn't they have sent a letter to the congregations detailing the change?!?!? Because they are SNEAKY AS HELL.

    Free, You are right. it is a self-induced trance. Even my parents, who caught the 'change' never caught the 'impact of the statement.' Unbelievable.

  • nojw86

    Hi Free. Good reading. Most definitly brain dead, trance, taking everything from the org. as life saving, we were all there. nojw


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