Ever been on TV?

by Brummie 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy
    so there I was on prime time TV with a Santa hat on peeling carotts!


    Gosh the closest I ever came to anything like this was when some folks in my ex-congregation saw the guy I was dating on the news. He owned a psychic friends network and the community where he operated wanted him shut down. Of course this came as a complete surprise to me, I was horrified.

  • Elsewhere

    Romper Room!?!?! Romper Room?!?!?

    You got to look into the magic (acid trip) mirror?!?!?

    I used to LOVE that show! But then I went to college and had to leave before it was on. (Yeah, I'm a kid at heart)

  • KGB

    yes I have been on tv a couple of times.

  • RunningMan

    I've been on TV and radio quite a few times. Last year, I did a commercial for my company that ran extensively throughout the province. I have also done radio phone in shows and interviews on both TV and radio - for automotive and travel related issues.

  • cruzanheart

    I was interviewed twice on TV (local affiliates of national channels) about my clothing line, and got to put on a fashion show on TV both times. That was fun! I think I'm a ham at heart. And I've had articles in the local papers and magazines about my designs, in addition to taking part in fashion shows at the Dallas International Apparel Mart, the State Fair of Texas, and a local nightclub.

    On an excitement level, it beats working for a law firm, but the money wasn't nearly as good. I'm half an entrepreneur: great ideas, but a little hazy on follow-through . . . .


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Now wait a minute. Nina, you were a big deal there for a while.

    She was interviewed on the local ABC affiliate (WFAA) and the local CBS affiliate (KTVT). She also had articles (with photos) in the Dallas Morning News and the Plano Star Courier and a local magazine called Dallas Family. She was also in 5 or 6 fashion shows.

    Nina had her own clothing line for about 3 years. It was called the 10th Month. It was marketed at women who had just given birth and it was very well received. Her only problem was a lack of financing. She has a real talent in women's clothing design but unfortunatelly she just couldn't find the financial backing she needed to continue. She took the 10th Month 3 years on part-time basis while she was working full-time as a legal secretary, and raising (at that time) 2 very small children.

    Don't downplay what you accomplished sweetie. You did a helluva lot in a short time and in different economic times you would have been a star.

  • unbeliever

    Yes a couple of years ago. It was when the price of gas was sky high and I was at the gas station putting gas in my car. A reporter and camera man came over to me and just started asking me questions about what the price of gas was doing to my budget. I drive an SUV.

    I cringed when I saw myself on TV. I looked like hell. People were coming up to me for a week saying they saw me on TV. They did not say anything about my dreadful appearance thank goodness.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    The thrid in the series is my interview under my maiden name


  • Brummie

    My you are all so famous! I feel highly honored being amongst the stars & friends of the famous!

    LadyLee, I'm sure I have an audio tape with you speaking...your name rings a bell too, I'll have to go through my tapes. I'll definately try and get hold of the video.

    Thanks peeps


  • mouthy

    Yes I too was on Romper Room.In the audience -Must have been in 1956??or so.. It showed up on the session But they interviewed me for the teacher...But I declined -as I had small kids at the time....Then I was on "ROUGHCUTS "(Children of Jehovah) Then the "Shirley Show" with Paul & PAT Blizzard.Then Sally Jessie Rapheal.( They went to church & was disappointed) Then the Rogers show...Answers to JWS- Then the video Brummie mentioned. Yes I have had my 15 min of fame......Thanks Watch Tower!!!! I owe it all to you!!!!!

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