Physical and/or Spiritual

by Inkie 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Inkie

    No doubt all (with few and rare exceptions) believe that the physical world exists. However, what I should like to know is, how many here believe that a spiritual world exists? And, if you believe that a spiritual world exists, do you believe that the two worlds (or universes, call it what you like) each exist separately and distinct one from the other? or do you believe the two worlds exist within each other, overlapping each other, so to speak? inter-connected with each other, so that one is dependent on the other? (Maybe "dependent" is a wrong word.)

    Your sincere responses would be appreciated. Thank you. --Inkie

  • Elsewhere

    If something cannot be quantified and measured, then it either does not exist, or the question of its existence is irrelevant because it cannot affect us.

  • kes152

    Dearest Elsewhere,

    May you have peace!

    You know that mankind has an affinity for disobedience, as well as "fearing what they do not understand." If something cannot be quantified or measured, perhaps it is because you lack the nessesary apparatus to measure or quantify it. Concordinately, if does not affect you now. When it does; your theory of non-existence has become moot and the time you could have used to know about what is coming... was wasted. At that point you are at the mercy of what you do not understand. Not everyone is willing to make that kind of a wager.

  • StinkyPantz
    how many here believe that a spiritual world exists?

    Like Elsewhere, I cannot prove that is does or does not exist. So I don't have much of an opinion; but I lean towards not believing.

  • Elsewhere

    When the Invisible Pink Unicorn from Pluto decides to exert her authority over the earth, as it’s creator... I will become a believer.

  • sxybrwneyes

    I know that the spirit world exists, I have had personal experiences and a couple of my friends have had experiences also.

  • larc

    Pleasd define "spiritual". Do you mean a "special feeling"? Yes, I have them all the time. Do you mean "invisible'?, well now something invivisible can not be proven to exist, now can it, so please define your terms.

  • acsot

    If something cannot be quantified and measured, then it either does not exist, or the question of its existence is irrelevant because it cannot affect us.

    Isn't it more accurate to say that we cannot measure it at this point in our evolution? We are capable of quantifying and measuring things people couldn't dream of 100 years ago.

    As for me, in the past year since I've opened my eyes to the troof, thanks to many of you here, I went from true believer to not believing the WTS but still believing in God and the Bible to not believing all of the Bible to not believing any of the Bible (insofar as it being inspired of God - I know the geographic locations mentioned there exist, i.e. Jerusalem - at least they didn't get that wrong ), to being atheist to now being agnostic. I think it's more rational or logical to posit that we aren't sure about such things, thus my being agnostic. Not being able to explain something scientifically is only a measure of where we are at as a species, not necessarily a measure of what is or is not "out there".

    All this to say that I would have no difficulty believing some sort of beings/life/energy exist outside our physical realm. Why should we be the end all of everything? On the other hand, I know I'll probably never know for sure unless science takes a quantum leap forward in my lifetime in the ability to measure such things, or unless there actually is another "realm" out there and we'll find out after death.

    Of course, I've come a long way in the past year and if you ask the same question next year maybe my answer will be totally different. Which is why agnosticism suits me very well!

    How's that for a straight answer ?

  • Satanus

    I am fairly sure that there is another dimension, which many people refer to w the descriptive 'spiritual'. However, this dimension and whatever may inhabit it, is not very concerned w our material dimension. This is demonstrated every day by their absence of discernable activity here. Some people may be able to tap into the other dimension, others think they do. Whatever information that comes from that hypothetical dimension into ours is not necesarily any more credible that the national enquirer or the local newspaper.

    As well, there are likely to be many other dimensions beside that one, of which we are not aware, and which are not aware of us or our dimension. But all these dimensions and their inhabitants (if they exist) are not of any vital importance to us. We have our own daily issues. Searching for other dimensions can be a nice hobby, as can card collecting, fishing, etc. But religions based on them shouldn't be formed.


  • nowisee

    i do believe there is a spiritual world. there is some overlap in that we are totally dependent on it, but it is not at all dependent on us; though all indications are that they are very interested in us and care deeply.

    i say this as a believer in God and one who has received Jesus Christ as my Savior.

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