The Aug. 1, Watchtower is Lying - Again!

by metatron 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    amazing they will take a (worldly, pagan) title, just to save their ass, again.

    Just when you think they have hit rock bottom, they find a new way to outdo themselves.

  • metatron

    Check any English dictionary you wish under "pay"

    The definition clearly applies ( I checked)


  • bluesapphire

    Catholic priests in our area get paid $1100 per month. And they have to purchase/lease their own vehicles. Looks like the COs make more than Catholic priests.

  • simplesally

    Lies and more lies.........all to suit their desires.

  • simplesally

    The Jesuits (Catholic order of priests) also only get housing, food, a car and take a vow of poverty. If a Jesuit gets a donation from my dad, it must be reported and if he needs extra money, I mean, even $20, he must go to his superior and ask for it and explain why.

  • SixofNine
    I mean, even $20, he must go to his superior and ask for it and explain why.

    Even if it's for a young male prostitute?

    Six~ take my watchtower if you must, but I'll never give up catholic bashing, never!~

  • Jomavrick

    I wouldnt consider what elders, circuit overseers, bethelites receive in the way of food, assistance, insurance etc,,, to be "paid" clergy. Compared to what that term normally means in the christian chrch community. I know many ministers who shall we say, live very well,,,,,,,

    As far as using the label clergy for legal reasons, I understand the reason why that would be done. But really they are in my mind clergy, whether they are paid or unpaid. They just work very hard at not accepting the outside labels. It does not seem a case where they are lying.


  • dobby

    This is an excellent post.

    Even the nicest CO's take advantage of the congregation. One CO we offered to take to lunch specifically said he wanted to go to Red Lobster. I think we paid well over $100 for that meal.

  • rocketman
    One CO we offered to take to lunch specifically said he wanted to go to Red Lobster. I think we paid well over $100 for that meal.

    I can only roll my eyes at that one. Next time, someone should take him to Burger King or some fast food joint across the street from or in sight of the Red Lobster and tell him 'close but no cigar' or something like that.

  • metatron

    Pay - "to compensate, renumerate, to bear the cost of"

    How much they are paid doesn't matter, they are compensated and hold legal status of clergy, as defended in court

    by the Watchtower.

    They lied.


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