Wow, great thread!
Thanks to everyone for their great comments!
Especially thanks to Blondie!!!!
I'm planning to post quite a bit of info and WT Quotes (that's what I'm "famous" for) on this Thread soon.
First, I'm going to comment on some of Mizpah's statements:
Mizpah said:
All these comments are very interesting. But does it ever bother any of you that the Watchtower still has such a great hold over you as long as you continue to read and to analyze the contents of its publications? In a sense, you continue to be chained to the organization. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to use this time reading the Bible and considering the positive teachings of Christ?
I do not appreciate those statements at all.
The only statement I agree with is that we should read the Bible, especially Christ's teachings.
You must have definitely overlooked some of Christ's teachings (and His Apostles' teachings), such as:
Matthew 28:19-20: Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.
Ephesians 5:8-13: For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light--for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth, proving what is well-pleasing to the Lord. And have no partnership with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things being done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.
I do not appreciate the fact that you are trying to get people to STOP obeying those Scriptures.
The Bible tells (actually commands) Christians to teach people the truth, and to EXPOSE FALSE TEACHINGS.
In fact, Jesus Himself commended one of the 1st-Century Churches because they EXPOSED FALSE TEACHERS:
Revelation 2:2-3: "I know your works, and your labor, and your endurance, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you tested those who say that they are apostles and they are not, and you found them to be liars; and you have endurance and you have born patiently on account of My Name, and you did not become weary.
Mizpah said:
It is true that all of us who have beloved family members in the organization are not totally free from it. But my wife and I decided long ago that it is a waste of time to devote precious hours to a lost cause. We feel that the scriptural advise escpecially applies to the Watchtower: "To the making of books there is no end." It results in " a weariness to the flesh."
I personally do not think that it is "a lost cause" to try and help people to see the real truth about the Watchtower Society -- maybe you do.
I personally do not think that it is "a lost cause" to try and help people to see the real truth about Jesus Christ -- maybe you do.
I cannot believe you have just "written off" all of the Jehovah's Witnesses as "a lost cause", and you think it is a waste of time to try and help these poor misguided, deceived, lost souls.
It is because of "Apostate" Websites that spent hours and hours and hours researching and posting Watchtower Quotes and Teachings and Doctrines, and comparing them to the Bible, that I found out that the Watchtower Society is FALSE (and it was definitely because of the Lord Jesus Christ opening my eyes and leading me to that information).
Let me ask you a question, Mizpah -- why did you leave the Watchtower Society? How did you find out they were not teaching the truth?
I'm going to guess that someone (or someone's website or someone's book) helped you to realize that.
Mizpah said:
I'm not trying to discourage a lively discussion about the Watchtower Society. I enjoy this as much as anyone. But I'm always amazed by those who delve so deeply into the Watchtower publications and spend so much time in critical reviews. I'll look forward to your responses.
Why? What (in your mind) is the difference between people who spend hours talking about the Society and the people who do hours doing research to help people see the real truth about the Watchtower Society?
Mizpah said:
It's not that I don't appreciate and admire the research work that is done. My concern is that until one breaks the hold that the Watchtower has over you, you will never come to appreciate true Christian freedom. The Watchtower will still control you and your lives as long as it demands your time and attention.
True Christian Freedom involves teaching other people THE REAL TRUTH, and EXPOSING FALSE TEACHINGS. Please read the Bible.
Why did the Apostle Paul travel around to nation after nation and suffer persecution, stoning, beatings, people trying to kill him, etc.? Because HE LOVED PEOPLE and wanted them to know the real truth.
Mizpah said:
Blondie: I didn't realize that you were so recently associated with the Watchtower. And I can understand your drive to prove it wrong. But it has been twenty years since my wife and I left. And after a time, we came to realize that our time is more valuable and precious than to dwell on what is wrong in every article and publication of the Watchtower. It's simply not worth it.
I'm sorry -- I do not agree with you at all on that.
Even if ONLY ONE JEHOVAH'S WITNESS realizes that the Watchtower Society is FALSE, then all of the research, and all of the time spent, was WELL WORTH IT!
Or, even if ONLY ONE PERSON is prevented from becoming a JW, then it has all been worth it.
It does not appear that you value the lives of Jehovah's Witnesses as being worth much at all. That is not the way God views them.
Would you die for a Jehovah's Witness? Christ did:
Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Mizpah said:
I'm glad some of you benefit by this type of critical review. But my hope is that you'll be able to get beyond this need and start enjoying life without the Watchtower.
I just wanted to say that I enjoy life by telling people the real truth.