The tread on having children got me thinking about birth control and its role in the borg. After my daughter was about a year old we tired to have another child. Thinking it would be good for our daughter to have a brother or sister. My wife and I both came from large families. The idea of having an 'only' did not sit well with us. Things went well with this pregnancy until the very end and the child died. We had a name for her and everything! We were so dishearted we said not again! I got a vasectomy. I never told the brothers, I was under the impression is was a very bad thing for a brother to do. I was an MS at the time. It was OK for a married sister to get fixed but for a man not to be "like God" and pass life to the women was a dishonor....What a bunch of do do! Years later my wife wanted more kiddies. She ended up married to a guy with two boys! My daughter baby sits them. Maverick
Vasectomy, anyone???
by Maverick 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
(((Maverick))) I am so sorry for your loss. I myself lost a child, and I know how deeply painful it can be - even years later. Nothing can ever fill the void left, regardless of how many children one is blessed with in life. My heart goes out to you.
But, should you ever choose to have more - vasectomy or no, they are able to get around this little problem if a couple changes their mind (just a few more trips to the doctors office).
It was OK for a married sister to get fixed but for a man not to be "like God" and pass life to the women was a dishonor....
My father-in-law was stripped from his post as Elder because his wife got her "tubes tied" after having 8 children. Apparently it "stumbled" someone.
Official policy that few know about:
*** w59 7/1 415-6 Questions from Readers ***
Is it all right for Christians to resort to sterilization to avoid childbirth?We can be guided in this matter by the principle that is set down in the law of God given through Moses. We know that if any member of the priestly family of Aaron had broken testicles he could not serve as a priest; also, no person sexually mutilated could enter into the congregation of Jehovah. And God so cared for the procreative organs of the male that if any woman took part in a fight between her husband and another man and reached out and grabbed that man by his privates to disable him, she was to have her hand cut off. (Lev. 21:17-20; Deut. 23:1; 25:11, 12) So if God was concerned about the procreative powers of his typical people of Israel, he must likewise be so about those of his spiritual Israelites, because he authorizes them to be parents and bring up offspring in the fear of God. If anyone was sexually sterilized before coming to a knowledge of the truth and he survived Armageddon, it would require a miracle from God through Christ the King of mankind to enable such sterilized person to take part then in fulfilling the procreation mandate.
There are several other methods used today to avoid parenthood, and on these the Society remains silent, leaving each married couple to make their own decision. (See The Watchtower, March 1, 1951, page 159; April 1, 1953, page 222.) However, it is absolutely wrong for a person to think that in order to stay free for the Kingdom service and avoid family responsibilities in the way of children he is justified in getting himself sexually sterilized. If he is so desirous of avoiding family responsibilities, then let him stay single, and thus, as Jesus said, make himself a eunuch for the sake of God’s kingdom. (Matt. 19:12) A person who has himself sterilized does an injustice to his marriage partner who may at some time want and be entitled to children. He may think he is thus making himself free from trials and temptation by the Devil in this respect, but he is exposing himself to other trials and temptations in this very same respect. It is best to live a normal life with all the powers and faculties God has given a creature physically. If one was sterilized before understanding the truth, then let him draw comfort from Isaiah 56:3-7.
See also the w99 6/15 Questions of readers page 27 that this is still the case. Your privileges will be taken from you if this is discovered.
Vacsectomy topic from a couple years ago:
As I understand it, a JW can get a vascectomy as long as he doesn't tell anyone. I think the logic is that there is nothing inherently wrong with it, but it could stumble someone. I suppose the same principle could go for just about anything. It's OK as long as you don't get caught.
That article from 1959 is certainly a gem.
Maverick: I'm sorry for you loss. Thunder and I want more kids and he is thinking of having a reversal done.
I'm like a christmas tree, my balls are decorational. I'm recreational not re-creational. The stupidist thing I ever heard was from my female cousin, she had 3 kids and didn't want any more. So her "worldly" hubby had to have the snip, because she could not mutillate her body by getting her tubes tied. I reckion, if jmack has to go through mebbe 50 years of fake pregnancies because some randy cloth eared bint could not come to grips with her sexual urges about, what, 5000 years ago, then screw the borg?????
smack = Steve Mack
jnmack - Julie
we got 3 kids, damnde if some 1900 loony seppo is gonna turn me into a catholic.........
God so cared for the procreative organs of the male that if any woman took part in a fight between her husband and another man and reached out and grabbed that man by his privates to disable him, she was to have her hand cut off.
So if the other man ends up murdering this woman's husband, leaving her and her children destitute, the other man ends up being executed for murder, and his family is also left destitute.
Yet, if the woman decides to go ahead and defend her husband, thereby protecting everyone's best interests (her own, her children's and potentially the family of the other man) she loses a hand.
God's sense of justice needs a good slap upside the head.
Love, Scully