Aug.1 Watchtower - Get Kids Obsessed with Death!

by metatron 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • metatron

    The August 1 Watchtower has a cover featuring a young African -American man

    and asks "How Would You Like to Be Remembered?"

    "REMEMBERED?" What kind of death- obsessed message are you sending to

    young people by asking them how they would like to be remembered? I'm reminded

    of Arnold Swartzenegger, who left Austria disgusted by his twenty year old peers,

    because they were planning pensions!

    But wait, that's not all!

    Page 8 stories about "modern-day Christians" who suffer and die!

    Page 19 tearful 75 year old Vera , in decline, can't go out in service!

    Page 22 "advancing age or failing health" may limit us!

    Page 25 "Are You Earnestly Seeking Jehovah" - zealous although chronically ill !

    Page 31 Milton Henschel is dead!

    Back cover "God's View of the Dead" !

    Dead! Sick! Dead! Sick! Advancing age! More sickness! More death!

    Lurkers! YOU BLITHERING IDIOTS! Does it ever occur to you that your depression

    MIGHT BE CAUSED by filling your mind and heart with THIS ENDLESS RANTING

    about death and dying? Yes, it's a part of mature reality - but do you ever 'wake up'

    from your brain-dead slumber of Reason and SEE that this negative drumbeat

    is draining your spirit? Diminishing your conscious life?

    If you ever encounter a virile young man obsessing with "how he will be

    remembered", you have my permission to SLAP HIM SILLY until he snaps out of it!


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    well said metatron, I will start slapping

  • cyberguy

    Good point Metatron!

    I suppose they’re trying to address the problem with "millions now living will soon die!" "Due to failed expectations on the part of you R&F witnesses (not us, of course, "God’s Channel" here in Brooklyn), you will likely die before the big-A and the "New World!"" So here’s the new promise: "how do you want to be remembered WHEN YOU DIE?"

  • LDH


    I feel like I've just had a speed reading course on the 08/01 WT!

    It's just the way I remember it. Dark, depressing SHIT punctuated with brief comments about how God will make it all better in the morning. Just take two aspirins and call the elders!

    That gave me chilly-willies!


    Not dwelling on death Class

  • TR

    God All-mikey!

    I DO know that I don't want to be remembered as a brain-dead zealot after I'm dead, or right now, for that matter. It's hard enough knowing that "worldly" friends I haven't seen since I was a 'hovah still remember me as a brain-dead religious zealot.


  • avengers
    How Would You Like to Be Remembered



  • outnfree

    Maybe this is because the Governing Body is obsessed with is their own deaths these days! Miltie's gone, others are going senile or are confined and the ones that are actually coherent (why do the mean old people seem to live longest?) must be wondering in their heart of hearts what their judgment is truly going to be for making "The Truth" out of a bucket of lies!


  • cat1759

    Wow what an amazing turnaround. New light. RIP, people actually do die?

  • Emma

    Cyberguy and outnfree, I think you've both hit it! This is a way of telling the faithful, yes, you really will Die. If those on the gb have believed their "deliverance was near" they must really be shaking. My poor jw mom is terrified of dying - It's so sad to see her. Never having to face death was the main draw to the org 50 years ago. Wake-up call or new light?

  • Loris
    Never having to face death was the main draw to the org 50 years ago. Wake-up call or new light?

    Not only that we were never going to even grow old. No aches and pains or the breakdown of bodily functions. We were robbed of the oportunity to prepare for the inevitable.

    The other day I was thinking on these lines when I thought that people involved in the mainstream churches have a kinder belief. They believe that they will grow old and die then they hope to go to heaven. They have their whole lives to get used to the idea of growing old. It is seen as a normal part of life. JW's such as I and thousands of others have lived in denial of the prospect of aging until it is upon us. We actually do not have the skills necessary to cope with this outcome.

    Is this WT a stupid attempt to introduce new light? Are they preparing the ignorant dubs for the possibility that (Oh God I can't believe I'm going to say this) the end is not SOON and they will die and should care how they are remembered? I am going to have to try to obtain a copy of this one. Time to hit the laundromats.


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