There's a couple of prophecies in the bible that seem to have the elements of fortelling the future: the one was when Jesus was describing the destruction of Jerusalem. I saw a program on the Discovery Channel about fragments of the bible etc. and I think they said they had parts of this writing that dates to about 55CE. As Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 CE, to me, this would indicate somewhat of a foreknowledge to the event.
The only other one that I think has some merit is the one in Revelation that talks about how Jehovah will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth." This was apparently written 1900 years ago, and only in the last 200 years, and especially in this last century, has mankind actually been capable of "ruining the earth" either by pollution or blowing ourselves to kingdom come (no pun intended) with bombs.
Most of the other prophecies for our day seem to be pretty vague: wars, famines, disease, unrest, earthquakes - these things have happened throughout history and aren't really an indication of prophetic knowledge. There could have been more detailed prophecies that would have given more credibility to the prophets like prophecying the age of computers, transportation or even the wacky weather we seem to be experiencing.
All in all, there's very little we have to go on to show that we are "living in the Last Days".
What I find amazing is H.G. Wells "prophecies". He predicted Women's Rights, World War, Space Travel super highways, overcrowded cities, computers, video cassette players to see novels come to life, televisions to tell the news, tanks used in wars, military use of airplanes, and bombing of cities. In 1911 he forecast a new type of weapon, an atomic weapon, the atomic bomb. He saw the bombs made of uranium and would destroy cities.
His prophecies seem to be alot more detailed and accurate and measurable than those of the bible.