I have to agree with Zoe. Many truths are out there...it just all depends on which author you prefer. It is an unfortunate fact that, aside from the truths of physics and math, there is very little out there that is "true". We all come to our own conclusions about faith and God based on what rings true with us personally. I can tell you that based on the research that I've done over the years, that I believe more in a paganistic approach to God. Why? Because if he/she created the world, then the trees and the flowers and the sun and the moon and all that is beautiful is to be credited to he/she. And in my very simplistic view of the world, THAT is where we should be saying our thanks and prayers.
There was this really interesting book that I just read that melds fact with fiction. In the history of modern mankind and specifically of the Bible, it was noted that King Constantine, in 400AD and in his infinate wisdom to gain control of the people, changed the meaning of the Bible. Apparently (admitedly, I have no idea if this is true or not as I've not had the time to go and do the actual research on this), he had the Bible gospels "rewriten" to exclude all references to powerful women (specifically Marie Magdalene) and included only references to men as being the heads of everything. Again apparently, the way of the world prior to that was very feminine...that the femine was sacred and to be worshiped (like I keep telling my husband!!! hehehehe). Constantine didn't like that so he made it sound bad and evil to worship anything other that the god that he created. Ergo, anything nature based (all feminine qualities) are now considered pagan. And before there's any confusion, I do not base my whole belief system on a popular novel, I just thought that the concepts presented in it were quite fascinating.
These are just my truths, based on what I've read and researched over the years in my personal attempt to find the truth.