For all of those either out or on their way to the Freedom Exit door, do you still see traces of your old JW self that rears its ugly head?
Do You See In Yourself Continuing Jehovah's Witness Traits?
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, though seldom. Sometimes it takes a while to realise that certain actions or reactions are traits of having been a JW.
Black & white thinking was hard to get rid off, I think its gone now.
Keeping people at arms length was another trait that I found hard to get rid off. Then there was the "no reaction at all" syndrome that I only just finally noticed was a JW thing.
I see you still have the trait of asking questions that appear on the bottom of Watchtower articles....just kidding.
There is also another side to what you say Minimus. JW's also have many good traits.
But we aren't discussing the "good traits" because decency, honesty and love exist outside the org. JW's think they corner the market on these, the arrogance of that is what we, at least I hope to have rooted out of my life. I truly hope I have left behind the arrogance. If it rears its ugly head, I will stomp it.
Hell no. ;) j/k
My good qualities remain, regardless of whether or not I am/was a JW.
I've lost the blinders effect, seeing only what's placed in front of me. I don't believe in things just because someone tells me it's so. I don't think 6 billion people are going to die at Armageddon because only JWs have the truth. I don't mock other people because they don't believe what I believe.
Yes, I am obsessed with learning the truth about it all. Simply obsessed. Just like when I was one I would study all the time as it was an obsession.
I never turned the other cheek as a JWS but now I don't give a crap. I didn't like that admonishing.
An Elder gave me work on it in the second school on a thursday night and I stood up and called him on the carpet as I had to improvise and use a male for the householder. It was not proper conduct using the male householder but standing up and saying my peace was less acceptable.
I was always stirring up the sheep. I felt so alive but now the fight isn't in me anymore.
I see much being made of how people on the board are acting just like the JW's they can't stand. Yet, whether you are an ex Witness, a current one or have never been one in your life, people are people.If you were a jerk as a Witnesses, you probably still are a jerk. It has nothing to do with being a Witness. Regarding the ex-elders that are here, I see very little "attitude" among them. I see much resentment toward any who held a position of authority. I don't know if it's because people still feel abused or whether or not they're simply upset with any connection to "Jehovah's Witnesses". It is possible, too that people act on what they CAN do now that they couldn't do as a JW. Perhaps they are more andependant and can simply express themselves without worry.
The hardest thing for me is losing that sanctimonious and judgmental attitude. Someone pointed out to me many years ago how unkind it was. I think that was the smallest seed of doubt placed long ago, because all the ideas I had on right and wrong were formed and backed up by the Watchtower. If I commented snidely on someone's "immodest" clothing or hairstyle, it was because I learned it from WT, and received approval from others in the congregation. If I derided someone's choice of extracurricular activities, again, WT. Ditto others' chosen entertainment. I freely used that expression "there are bad associates even in the congregation." Quite an example, I was. Then I started noticing that those ones I and others were looking down on, often left the Org, and never came back. Obviously our strategy of humiliating them into proper conduct was flawed.
I still find myself looking down on people, judging their decisions, seems so deeply ingrained sometimes to be self-righteous. Now, though, I catch myself acting this way and have 1/2 a chance to change. One of my biggest regrets is the way I treated good people in the name of keeping the borg clean.
There's a few small scraps left over (ie fear of ouiji boards), but most of it has fizzled out with good ol' worldly exposure.
ODRADE, That was a great post. You just exposed how easily indoctrinated we are.