Kobe charged ! so sad !, will JW's use him as an example for their young ?

by run dont walk 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    I'm curious why you guys think this sounds like a set-up? Do you think you would have this same instinct if he wasn't famous and generally thought of positively?

  • jelly

    An interesting aspect to this is that if he does not go to jail this might help his career. Kobe is able to demand only a fraction of the money other NBA stars demand for endorsements because he is seen as having no ‘street cred’. His endorsement for addidas did not move very many units and is seen as an advertising failure. With a dirty little trial, maybe his ‘street cred’ will increase so he can get 100 million dollar deals from companies similar to the deal that this years #1 pick (Levar James I think is his name) got.


  • unbeliever

    I smell a setup too but I am not going to discount the possiblity that she is telling the truth. She had no business going into a married guys room. There is only one thing that comes to mind as to why she would be there. Maybe she changed her mind and he refused to stop. Who knows. That is what the trial is for.

    I can see them giving a talk about this at the KH. They might not mention Kobe by name but something to the affect that athletes are bad examples to look up too and some even make the news being charged with horrible offences. Like the WT has a leg to stand on to point fingers.

  • wednesday

    Wow, a set up. Someone forced this guy to take off his pants and forget he was married.

    I don't care if she did come to his room, if either one said stop, it has to stop.

    If u play, u pay.

  • Yesterdays Child
    Yesterdays Child

    Thats LeBron James LOL :} Terry

  • lisaBObeesa
    I'm curious why you guys think this sounds like a set-up?

    He admitted to the sex but says it was consensual, she says it was an assault. He word against hers. Only those two people know what really happened.

    However, at the press conference yesterday, he sounded very good. By that I mean, if he is lying, he is one hell of a world class liar. I think he convinced many people yesterday at that press conference. We shall have to wait for the trial to see.

  • cruzanheart

    Okay, I'll take back my comment about a setup because none of us really know what happened. I'm just a little cynical about the number of times a rich/famous person gets suits filed against him/her and there's a quiet settlement of a lot of money. It seems like a nice little scam if you can get the rich/famous person into a situation where it's your word against his/hers. But to be fair, it's also easy to get swept away by the glamor of associating with a famous/rich person and get into a situation over which you have no control and they think they can do anything because they are rich/famous. So I guess we'll just have to see which it is this time.


  • thegentleman

    Oh they will, with the standard "wordly man" rhetoric. What they really need to do is look inside their OWN congregations for stuff like this. Hypocrites.


  • back2dafront

    i don't see how anyone can say it was or wasn't a setup. it's all speculation at this point. i don't think it's fair for women to bash him prematurely - wait until it's been proven he raped her. So far he's innocent until proven guilty.

    And don't forget men aren't the only ones that cheat on their spouses!

  • teejay

    >>> if he is lying, he is one hell of a world class liar. I think he convinced many people yesterday at that press conference. We shall have to wait for the trial to see.

    Yeah, the trial will settle it. If they decide "guilty," then it means he did it. Whatever.

    What bothers me is that we haven't seen her picture while his is splattered all over the place. Not fair.

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