Are people at bethel allowed to stay as long as they want ??? time limit ??

by run dont walk 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    I have never been able to understand this, you hear of some people who worked at bethel or for the president of the Watchtower for 30, 40, even 50 years.

    But in general aren't most people only there a few years, is there a certain time you are allowed to be there then have to move on ??? and move on where ???

    Does anyone know how the system works ???

    With so many young and eager new ones wanting to go, how much work is there to do ???

    How many people actually work there ???

    Once you leave bethel, any chance of moving up the corporate ladder at the Watchtower is pretty much over isn't it.

    Let's say someone new comes in and wants to be in the top 25 exec position, how would he (cause we already know women won't be allowed) ever attain it. Is it simply politics there ???

    thanks to all in advance !!!!!!!!!!!

  • Odrade

    When you apply, you are asked to commit to one year. Once you are done with new boy training you can stay as long as you want as long as you remain in good standing spiritually, stay single or (if accepted as a married couple) don't have kids. If you are single and want to get married, you and your spouse to be must re-apply. If you go later in life as a TEMP you may stay as long as they continue to renew your invitation--basically until you get old or the job ends.

    There's always lots of grunt work for eager young boys, and there is enough attrition to keep the ranks down to a manageable population. Remember, many who apply get a rejection letter ("Try again in a year, thank you.")

    Moving up happens just like in the congregation, although my personal opinion is that once you hit "Bethel Elder" that's usually it for bethelites, whereas in the regular congregation one can pursue sub- CO work, then C.O. then D.O., then special invite to Bethel, then committee work... you get the idea.


  • SYN

    One easy way to see when you're going to get kicked out of Bethel is by seeing how many kilograms of books you can still lift. Anything under fifty means you're probably going to get given a closer look at your own arse sometime in the near future...

  • JT
    Once you leave bethel, any chance of moving up the corporate ladder at the Watchtower is pretty much over isn't it

    IT DEPENDS . for some who leave bethel it means just the begining of what we call a career outside of bethel- for some former bethelites they now become KEY MEN for the society- i kown in my congo we had 5 former bethelites on the body- we ran the congo like a little bethel- folks from other halls used to come to our hall just to see the school and service meeting- we ran it like a circuit assembly-

    when the CO would come thru at least 3 to 4 of us always had parts on the circuit assembly because most CO we had were former bethelites, it was like being in a CLUB-

    So it all depends

  • reporter

    so one "privilege" breeds another, doesn't it? And then you get sucked into the inner circle vortex, as it were, and it gets more difficult to leave...

  • nowisee

    just curious, JT,

    how many of those 5 former bethelites are still in? are you the only one who left? if more left, what became of the congregation? did they think that something might just be amiss?

  • Latin assassin from Manhattan
    Latin assassin from Manhattan

    When I was a JW, I practically grew up alongside many Bethelites. I never heard the work at Bethel described as 'easy' much less financially rewarding. You might not be aware that the poor souls who work their do not work for a salary like most of us do. They get paid in the form of an 'allowance' and a few dollars extra for transportation. Though most of their meals are covered for by the organization, this only applies to meals eaten in their dining room as scheduled. Furthermore, you only get breakfast on Sunday, so lunch and dinner is up to the worker or the kindness of the other JWs in the KH. That explains why most Bethelites can be found having lunch and/or dinner at someone's home on Sundays.

    As for days off, well, you can forget about that because most Bethelites work on Saturdays. Given these facts, it's understandable that these JWs are not known for spending much time in field service, much less placing tons of magazines like their 'pioneers' do.

    Having your own means of transportation while in Bethel is not easy either because you must be able to maintain on it on your own. I imagine they're VERY careful drivers because there is no way they could afford to paya NYC parking ticket on their 'salary'.

    For those who decide to leave Bethel, the transition is often difficult because they have to apply the few skills they learned in Bethel (not many unless you were involved in construction or info. technology) to the real world. It's not like you have a pension saved up, or even a 401K so you're basically left on your own - kinda like Adam and Eve.

    My experience has been that the majority of the couples that leave are married, and usually the cause is because the wife has an 'illness' which doesn't allow her to work at Bethel. Whatever the illness, I can easily assume that there is damage being caused in the relationship as well. Think about it, how would you and your wife feel about life if you had a job that required you to work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week with little or no time to cultivate your marriage without a stack of JW publications nearby?

    It's no wonder that during my time as JW, Bethelite brothers were 'weary' of me at the KH. Here I was, young, not too bad looking, (and since I worked as a web developer I was loaded too) chatting with a hot 20+ year old Bethelite sister who knew nothing about life of romance, much less personal or financial fulfillment. As soon as her overworked-underappreciated hubby saw me from across the KH, he would come shuffling over and say 'honey, we should be leaving now it's getting late'. I would respond with 'need a lift?'. But of course, would a man in his position take a ride from a guy with all the above and a sports car to boot? Fine, I would hop in my ride and drive off, while this couple would take a ride from someone else instead.

    This may sound far fetched, but, remember that living in NYC the way Bethelites do is HUMBLING in every sense of the word. As spiritual as they feel they might be, being in NYC has a way of making them feel like there's more to life than packing books in a factory.

  • JT
    just curious, JT,

    how many of those 5 former bethelites are still in? are you the only one who left? if more left, what became of the congregation? did they think that something might just be amiss?

    May of 2003 makes 5 yrs since i turned in my Flock Book and have never crossed the sill of a Hall again- I am the only one who left, in fact i just go my Publishers Record card sent to my HOUSE - they have no idea i pulled a fast one on them and they DOGGED ME AND THE WIFE IN our letter of introduction- to my new invisible congo - anyway they are all still there except for one- one is still the City overseer and a "Voting Member" of the wt corp - he ain't going nowhere another one is President of his own Corp- he is a "Mighty Parts Distributor" and serves on Mighty parts advisorory board $$$$$$$$$ another is a regional manager at Mighty parts and he ain't going nowhere the other is the PO and assembly overseer and the 4th guy is now serviing in the CO work, either in chicago or detroit in the inner city as for me and Lady "C" we are free

  • JT

    so one "privilege" breeds another, doesn't it? And then you get sucked into the inner circle vortex, as it were, and it gets more difficult to leave... you are 110% correct it feeeds on itself as ray described in his book

  • JT


    nice summary of the life of a bethelite and for the majority this is thier quality of life- only a few live large

    PS like JR Brown driving a Q45 on a $90a month allowance - YEA RIGHT


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