I got a Professional Opinion of 'Great Teacher' book.

by lisaBObeesa 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    I haven't persoanly been directly affected by this disgraful side of human and Watchtower behaviour and have tended not to give it a great deal of attention, and this was the first time I'd read of this new book.

    I must admit that when I read the scans I saw nothing I thought to be suprising or objectionable in it even after reading the therapists comments above. It didn't reflect what I'd have said or thought on the topic, but I thought it was OK given who wrote it and who woud read it...

    Then it hit me that I was reading it from my (still) built in JW filters that accepts this sort of language on some unconcious level (at least on topics I haven't been reeducated in properly...). I realised that the responsible section of society won't accept the sort of bad advice or poor expression or built in guilt/shame biases that JW's have seemingly learned to accept (as I did momenterally) on such topics.

    When I read WT wrtings on creation/evolution; existance of God etc and I bristle with the obvious (to me now) falseness of what they write. I hope I'll be better attunded to the built in narrowness and uglyness and wrongness of the conservitive religionists, including the Watchtower, on abuse and rape matters.

    What paragraph 3 of p.170 says is that the problem with peodophillia is that it may lead the victim to practice sodomy consentually in the future. Is that a voyeristic outlook on child sex under the guise of religious guidence?

    I wonder if there's grounds (outside the US of course) for seeking an injunction on the distribution of pp.170-171 on the grounds that it is offensive to standards of public morality and is obscene and is harmful to children? A reflexive stretch on my part perhaps...

    Thank you for the post and the thought you've given this. Forgive my ignorance and pervious lack of attention.


  • GermanXJW

    I, too, sent it to a professional psychologist. After he read some pages he stated: "Again this book is based on FEAR and GUILT. Very bad."

  • Latin assassin from Manhattan
    Latin assassin from Manhattan

    How can I get a scanned copy of the GT book?

  • czarofmischief

    I think there's one on the Silentlambs website.


  • logansrun

    Great job Lisa!


  • lisaBObeesa

    I though posting the scans on this thread might be helpful.

    These are the scans of the pages in question, thanks to iiz2cool:


  • GermanXJW

    Would you also provide p. 60 please? I think the first section is crucial to understanding the spirit of the book. (Sorry for not owning not scanner, nor an English edition of the book).

  • lisaBObeesa

    I do not have a scan of page 60. Perhaps another poster does? iiz2cool?

  • Swan

    I'm sure this book will be of particular interest to the plaintiff's attorneys (not to mention the judge) in the next child abuse trail against the Watchtower.

    How could they be so stupid to put this in print?


  • Joker10

    The book didnt go to specific details of what a child should do in case of an assault.

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