Are Americans The Victims of a Hoax?
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Heavens no. George W. Bush has never lied about anything. He is a fundamental Christian who believes in family values and would never dare lie to the public about anything!
George Bush did not lie to the public when he presented information as fact in the State of the Union Address that Iraq was attempting to acquire uranium from Africa.
''The President was comfortable at the time of his State of the Union speech, based on the information that was provided in his speech,'' 'the [press-briefing White House senior official who refused to have his name made public] said of the decision to use it in the address to Congress. ''The President of the United States is not a fact-checker.'' --Washington Post, 07.19.03
"[A White House web site] photo released for this year's [State Of the Union] speech shows [Bush] working on the address. The caption reads: 'Sketching notes in the margin of speech drafts, President Bush rewrites portions of the address in the Oval Office Jan. 23, 2003.'...[Another] caption reads: 'Working at his desk in the Oval Office, President Bush reviews the [2002] State of the Union address line-by-line and word-by-word.'" --Al Kamen, Washington Post, 07.18.03
A complete contradiction? You must be mistaken. George W. Bush never lies.
He did not lie when he stated along with Tony Blair that Iraq possessed an arsenal of WMD that were capable of being launched within 45 minute notice. No WMD, not even one, have been found in 4 months of searching after possessing sovereignty of the nation following the conflict? Was it a lie? You must be mistaken.
Bush did not lie when he said WMD were the justification for this war several months ago. Bush and Blair then go before Congress and say "history will forgive us even if WMD are not found". Is this a complete contradiction? Of course not. Why? George W Bush never lies.
He did not lie during the 2000 presidential campaign when he said he would not support nation-building, despite the fact that American taxpayer dollars now support the stability of Afghanistan, Iraq, and half the world!
Wake up people! George W. Bush is the most honest and loving Christian that has graced the Oval Office in a century! We are BLESSED to have him as our fearless leader. He is so darn intelligent too!
"history will forgive us even if WMD are not found"
They were correct. History, the type that children read in school, will be written exactly the way these guys want it to be written. It's unfortunate, but it's the truth. All of the details that indicate their corruption will be omitted and children will read that GWB was an American hero and that Tony Blair was a righteous man.
Why anyone who ever fell for the fraud of JWism ever spread David Icke's icky shit around is beyond me. Perhaps they didn't get enough unsupported garbage the first time around.
Mr. Kim
Are Americans The Victims of a Hoax? Well, won't be the first time and won't be the last!
There are powers at work (Human and other) that are beyond our understanding and when "it" strikes at us, we try to explain it in any "acceptable" rational way. This is the ONLY way the public (and individuals) can deal with it.
"The truth IS stranger than fiction" that IS a fact!
Hey Boys,
Perhaps!What does, did, the World Trade Center represent? What did it encapsulate?
Now, how do you create a 'new world order' or 'new system of things'?
Would you not need to start fresh?
HOW would you need to do this?
Would you not need to, as a mason prepares to rebuild his 'work', lay a New Foundation?
But How?
By 'gutting' the 'old system of things'...the 'old world order' and rebuild a New World Order?
From the morning I sat and watched it topple, I have thought this deeply.
'Out with The Old, in with The New'.
LOL!!!! Perhaps NOT!! sKally
William Penwell
Can't say I believe in the conspiracy theories or not. I have not seen enough proof that I can honestly say for sure. Most of them sound so complicated etc. to actually pull off without someone saying something. Although I believe that those war mongers in the pentagon hijacked the American emotions in order to further their own selfish agendas.
I'd say some people's hatred of Bush has really made them lose perspective of the whole Iraq situation. There are plenty of reasons not to like Bush, but some of this stuff is completely irrational.
If any can set their hatred of the right and Bush aside for a moment and are interested in something besides left wing conspiracies and biased propaganda, here are a couple sites addressing most all these alleged hoaxes.
Lew W (of the I am the balance class)
Boys, I am not basing any of this on any theory, but my own. It makes sense to ME, only. I don't EXPECT 'anyone' to ever completely theorize as I do. Ever. If anyone ever does, how could that ever be my fault?
What I wrote above is exactly what I was thinking the MOMENT I heard and saw the news. I have not wavered far from this. Until 'I' and I alone can concluded, conclusively, that MY theory is 'null and void' is when I will search a different path.
Laugh, joke, poke-fun, belittle, demote me all you feel and think you must. Your words can not turn me in any other direction than the one I am going. I alone will decide when I 'walk the other way'.