Hi all, anybody any anecdotal or actual idea of how attendance numbers went this year ?
There are hints that it is well down, but is it ? and if it is, will the Borg stop crowing about the attendance as they always have ?
by Phizzy 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi all, anybody any anecdotal or actual idea of how attendance numbers went this year ?
There are hints that it is well down, but is it ? and if it is, will the Borg stop crowing about the attendance as they always have ?
They said last year was a little over 20 million at my memorial talk.
I remember when more people than usual came back in 2014 because of the "100th anniversary of the Kingdom" and the fear that it meant something. The number counters at HQ erroneously thought this was a trajectory that could be counted on and projected that 2015 would top 20 million, even writing an article about it. But that year the attendance actually dropped for the first time since I don't know when, if ever.
You'd think they would've deleted this article by now, just like they deleted the one about the Telly Awards and the Jared Kushner video, but I guess somebody forgot.
Phizzy - I'll be optimistic and suggest that a decline in "interested ones" at the ritual is ultimately inevitable - especially thanks to the org's "own goal" of shutting down so many local KH's.
It's bad for the publishers, but less & less non-JW's will be inclined to travel longer distances to reach a non-event.
NBD - 2014 memorial? Just wait and see what the cult starts suggesting after the next 14 memorials - 2033 could be a significant memorial!!!!
Agreed, that's the next one to look for 👍
Our cong was down by 23
and only two from the neighbourhood attended - rest were pubs
Ot was the lowest I’ve seen, about 80 or so. But they add phone links to attendance these days. I don’t know when they started doing that.
Well anecdotally I can give you four results from the UK.
My hall:
Cong 1 - This year 74, last year 101
Cong 2 - This year 98, last year 102
Cong 3 - This year 111, last year 121 (used a rented hall)
Another hall that an attendee told me about:
This year 117 last year 124.
So every hall was down and Cong 1 from my hall was a real outlier with a significant drop and no increase (in the other congs using the same hall) to compensate!
For the fourth year in a row attendance was down where I went. Average drop per year has been 10. That is a forty person drop. Nothing there to brag about.
Maybe it's time for Jehovah to kill everybody.