U.S. Women Like Brit Men Better

by GinnyTosken 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasasister

    When I was a teen, I fell in love with James Bond. At the height of my 007 fantasies, I met a Brit guy at a District Convention. The accent made my knees weak.

    I'm still drawn to a high-class British accent, like John Cleese when he's being stuffy.

    Can't explain it.


  • Maverick

    A taste of the 'srange'! I can understand why a women might be attracted to someone from a different culture...challenge, mystery, not boring! I like women with accents and different backgrounds. The Female British speech is really quite delicious! Go where your heart leads you. Maverick

  • pamkw

    At this point in my life, I wouldn't care what his accent, as long as he was kind and polite and male.

    I'm starting to think I have been single way to long.


  • SpiceItUp
    U.S. Women Like Brit Men Better

    I sure do

  • Englishman

    What an excellent thread!

    I missed it because I was on holiday.

    Well, do American gals really like Brit men best?


  • tinkerbell82

    i totally melt for the accent, i have to admit. everything just sounds better with an accent! ;)

  • Simon

    We'll have to do some "market research" when we're over there (in the interest of scientific endeavor)

    I'm off to practice my Pierce Brosnan accent (James Bond with a Manc accent eh?!)

  • joannadandy

    Oh my god!

    <-----totally puddles for that accent!

    And frankly, who could blame Gwen?

    (Did I ever tell you all about the time I got to touch his butt? I still give that had preferential treatment!)

    Or Gwyneth?

    Or even Madona?

    Hotties...every last one of them...tho Gavin has always been the first and foremost puddlemaker.

  • tinkerbell82

    oh yeah gavin's so frickin hot

  • Wolfgirl

    I have been married twice...once to an American (ended in divorce) and now to an Englishman (happiest I've ever been in my life). Now almost all my friends are English. I LOVE the English! I have to agree with a lot of the article quoted originally, but only in application to my husband. I don't make too many sweeping generalisations. Well, I try not to anyway.

    Oh and attentive to my needs....mmmmm.

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