Is our History a Lie....

by searchfothetruth 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • searchfothetruth

    Our accepted history does nothing to try and explain the structures that litter this planet that would be difficult for us to build today.

    Just consider the scale of the pyramids in Giza. The Great Pyramid alone, which is nearly 500 feet high, consists of 6.5 million tons of stone with 2.5 million individual blocks, some weighing 70 tons. In the other pyramids there are stones weighing 200 tons and even 468 tons. They are so perfectly cut together that you cannot get a piece of paper between them.

    There is enough stone in the great pyramid alone to build 30 Empire State buildings and enough stone on the Giza site to build a wall around the border of France three metres high and 1 metre thick (some say that would be a better use of it !)

    At Baalbeck in the Lebanon are structures which are thousands of years old, which include three enormous blocks of stone which each weigh 800 tons. These are called the Trilithon and one of them had to be lifted 20 feet up into a wall.

    there is also another stone nearby which weighs an incredible 1000 tons! Thats 3 jumbo jets in weight.

    Macchu Picchu in Peru is another amazing place.

    Precision carving from people who only had bronze tools...really?

    A precisley machined and shaped cube of metal was found in the centre of a block of coal in Austria in 1885 and based on the coal stem in must have been made 300,000 years ago.!

    The pre-historic bones of animals have been found with bullets embedded in them!

    How can you explain any of this with the accepted version of history?

  • drwtsn32
    Jesus Christ, yes? NO.

    Excellent.... just one example of how Christianity borrowed major concepts from previous religions.

  • gumby

    Here is what a Christian Apologist has to say about Attis. He claims the skeptics claims are not accurate, stretched, and some are outright lies.

    Take the time and click the link and see what you think.


  • searchfothetruth


    Just reading what he says he makes a good case for the theory without meaning too.

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy
    A precisley machined and shaped cube of metal was found in the centre of a block of coal in Austria in 1885 and based on the coal stem in must have been made 300,000 years ago.!

    The pre-historic bones of animals have been found with bullets embedded in them!

    Hi Search,

    Do you have any links to these two quoted statements? I've never heard this before, and I would like to read up on it. I have heard about the lead-acid battery found in the ancient ruins of Greece (I think it was Greece), and the differential clock mechanism found in some other ancient ruins.



  • searchfothetruth


    These were examples from a book called "Our Haunted Planet" by John Keel.

    He's the one who investigated and wrote the book on the Mothman Prophecies. This book was written in the 70's but it's very interesting.

    by John Keel

    This classic book, first published in 1971, is back in this new tradepaper edition. Since the beginning of recorded time, man and his world have been plagued by unknown forces and beings, baffled by archaeological phenomena, and haunted by prophecies that often came true. Keel introduces his theory of ultraterrestrials, an unseen prehuman race that guides us and misleads us, uses us for its own entertainment and controls our every action. Chapters on The Continent That Vanished; Towers of Glass and Theories of Putty; A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Extinction; Scientists in Collision; Men-in-Black Lore and the CIA; The Secret of the Ages; Hello, Central, Give Me Ganymede; Where Is Everybody Going?; more.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    SFT, as a high steel construction worker, I've worked on cranes and derricks that makes it possible to have high rise buildings. I'll forever be in awe about the pyramids of Egypt especially when their able to set in place a 200 ton stone without our modern day cranes and derricks. I've worked in Boston some years ago, actually at Copley square, and we hoisted a 100 ton girder in place but it was only hoisted 20 feet, whereas, I did set in place a 50 ton girder at the South Boston powerhouse 15 stories high. Other hoisting devices such as the 'gin' pole has been used to erect structures but they were limited.

    No one has been able to explain the building/erection of the pyramids, but these monuments do exist. Now, what IF these monuments didn't exist, but only on a blueprint, would we say it's fictional to think such a structure could NOT be built/erected without modern equipment?

    I believe there's an explanation to them. Manpower and ramps. Can anyone on this forum explain the 'arch' built in St Louis? Can anyone on this forum explain how derricks are able jump from floor to floors? The 'trick' is, it jumps itself. Actually, there's more to it than that. Just because we cannot explain the process it doesn't mean it's not possible, past and present structures prove it!

    As to history being a lie, yes, but we must be specific, events, dates, etc. Who is to say, who is telling the truth? Yes, who is telling the truth?

    Guest 77

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    Hi Search,

    Thanks for the info. I'll check it out.


  • lisaBObeesa
    ...but they wrote to the WTS about similarities in so-called pagan or mythological accounts (I forget which) and the story of Jesus.

    I think it is absolutely amazing that all these religions from all over the world and all through times have such similar religious traditions!

    Maybe there is one big truth that unites us all, and religion is only each culture’s attempt to express and relate to that truth.


  • searchfothetruth

    I too think that all the stories that the religions have recorded have their origins in fact, a long time ago, and like chinese whispers the stories change in the telling.

    The biblical flood is a good example. There are stories of a great flood in all the old cultures of the world from Russia, Africa, Australia etc. So there must have been a great flood in the far distant past, but certainly not the biblical version, as it was recorded a long time before the bible was even written.

    One of the greatest archaelogical finds ever was the discovery of the Sumerian Tablets found in 1850 near Baghdad, by an englishman, Sir Austen Henry Layard as he excavated the site of Ninevah. the capital of Assyria. This was located near the Iraqi town of Mosul. Other finds have followed in this region which was once called Mesopotamia. The original source of this knowledge was not the Assyrians but the Sumerians who lived in the same area from around 4,000 to 2,000 BC.

    So why has one of the greatest fids been ignored by conventional history and education?

    Because what is written in those tablets DEMOLISHES the official version of events..

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