I remember reading a study that showed women learn compassion from their father. Interesting isn't it? Not from the mother, who most people would think is more understanding and would have fellow feeling, but from the father. I think the role of a good father is vastly misunderstood and underrated. That might be because there are so few good fathers around.
I see things that most people don't. One of the things I see is you've got a good heart filled with love and kindness, and that will go a long way toward helping your daughter be a well rounded and happy woman.
one of my granddaughters said to me"gandma, i feel mad at u sometimes, but i love u" Her mother has been teaching her about feeliings, and how it is ok to have them. So she felt free to tell me she was mad, I told her that it was ok to feel mad, and still love me at the same time. U should have seen the smile on her face,and the hug and "i love u ganrdma" i got. We talked about why she was mad, and worked it out. it made me so happy that she is able to say those things and is not afraid. She is able to have feelings. No one ever allowed me to have them, i was told i wrong for feeling and soon i just stopped being in touch with my feelings. Wonderful to see my little gandgirl in touch with her feelings.
The gandparent jig is so good, there just isn't a down side to it.