How have you coped with the realisation that you will not live forever. If you truly believed it at one stage that you would never die and now realise that this is not the case, has it made you worried about death and how life is so short.
Realisation of your immortality
by barbar 12 Replies latest jw friends
Perhaps you mean realisation of your mortality? It's just made me appreciate the time I have more! I'm off now to go look at the lake and eat some French bread and cheese. Mmmm!
Welcome, barbar !!!
What ?!!? You mean I'm not going to live forever ?!?!
Agggggggggggghhhhhhhh !!!!!!
Every moment is precious. Never let a moment pass you by with a thought of "I'll tell them tomorrow how important they are to me" or "We'll use the good china soon" or some such thing. What are you waiting for? The time is here and now. Sometimes we don't get a second chance.
Life is good...and is all around us. It's yours for the taking.
edited to add: WELCOME!!
Hello barbar,
Yes, my wife and I have changed since we now realize immortality is an illusion. The JWs tell you it's wrong to pursue personal desires in this system... such selfishness is bad! Interestingly, that same selfishness is quite all right in the new system when you can do everything and anything you ever wanted.
We are trying to put more value into our time... by furthering our education, doing things to better the community, etc. This is the only life we have, so we better take advantage of it.
Many here get to the point that they are content with the fact that they will die and content themselves with the idea they will make the best of the time they have left. That's a good viewpoint. bothers me to think there was no planning or purpose from someone to put myself and others here. To think that some life formed over billions of years to create me sitting here typing on this keyboard does not satisfy me in ANY way. I have no valid reason to believe in any offered explanation at this point in time. I have a void and wonder if it will ever leave
Sorry, I did mean mortality.
Hi barbar, and welcome to the forum!
Talk about coincidence...just this morning, as I was in the semi-sleep state just before dawn, I had a waking dream about my mortality. At first, I "felt" so-be-it. Then, I rallied against that feeling, and determined that "this life is not all there is."
Guess I'll just have to wait and see, eh?
The realization was a bit frightening to realize that I would die one day, especially having believed the lie for 30+ years. Frankly, I'm still not terribly thrilled with the idea but what am I gonna do about it?
OTOH, without trying to sound morbid or suicidal, I think it might be interesting to see what's on the other side... if anything. At that point, admitting that I was wrong (having thought that death was the end of it) would be easy.
This may sound weird, but I've always had a strange fear of living forever. The thought of going on and on and on and on and on and on...........never ending. It doesn't make sense. I would get headaches just thinking about it, but I've never been too keen on dying either. I always use to wonder, when I was still brainwashed, how people in the world accepted the fact that they would die one day and be okay with it, thinking that I would lose my mind if I ever believed that. It's like being in purgatory. You don't want to live an eternity, but you don't want to die either. I was born in the borg. So I always thought I'd walk into the system still young. Suprisingly though it wasn't too hard for me to accept my mortaility. What I do fear however is getting old. Yikes!