Special K and Ash,
My wife was witness to this. It really did happen.
I walked into the emergency room. By that time, everyone had already gathered there.
I was counseled for crying because I was grieving for someone who committed self murder.
Then about three years later, it was found out that I put flowers on the grave.
At the time, I was really scared, because I thought about losing privileges - thinking either... A) That they would think that I was thinking that the dead was NOT unconscience and that I was "worshiping the dead" or something.
Or.. B) That it was wrong that I would honor a dead man that killed himself.
I wish I could tell you how much this affected me as a person. As a human being.
To this day, I'm still on Paxil. My spirituality is really soaring now, but this whole experience has really screwed me up.
I did not grow up in the "Truth" TM , but I became one when I was 21.
The Organization keeps preaching that the "Truth" TM is all about having a personal relationship with Jehovah.
It's about having a relationship with God VIA an Organization.
So, when that Organization tells you that you are not in God's Good Graces, then YOU ARE NOT.
"I am the way, and the Truth."
Best put. The Truth is a person, not an organization.